Chapter 6.3

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Horikita's Point of View

I was currently walking with Ibuki-san. This was a horrible case. Not only do I have my keycard on me but if Ibuki-san, if she's good at fighting, were to fight me. I would be very certain that I might lose, or at the very least have a huge disadvantage.

But I was also thinking about other things, why did Kushida-san deliberately sent me and Ibuki together of a marked map to gather food? We could simply gather food anywhere else and we already had a somewhat okay stockpile of food anyways. Since Kushida-san hates me, did she do this simply because she hates me?

"So... how close are we now?"

"Ibuki-san, you've been asking this same question over the last 5 or so minutes."

"Can you blame me?"

I sighed as I turned my head to Ibuki-san.

"Why did you agree to come."

"What do you mean? I decided to go with you since I did barely anything for this class. I got picked up, cared and fed. Shouldn't I do something in return?"

I did agree with her, but it seemed like there was another objective she's trying to go for.

Regardless, I checked the map and the current path we were walking to. 

"It seems like we're near."

"Are we now? Thank heavens..."

"Unfortunately, there was a problem."

"What problem... ah."

There was a small cliff. If one of us fell from this cliff, it wouldn't seem to be death or permanent injury. Regardless, it would be quite a fall, at worse an injured leg or arm that would take several days to a week to recover. Strangely, there was a ladder placed here, even more evidence that beforehand, this island was used. Either way, we would need to go down that cliff in order to advance, in fact I see the fruits right over there. 

"I'm unsure if the ladder is sturdy enough to hold two or even one person. It's best to go around."

"That's going to waste time-"

"Sure, it'll rain soon but if we quicken our pace a little, it should be fine right? Besides, the altitude of the cliffside's slope goes down on the right. Do you understand?"

She looked to be annoyed, but since she didn't say anything, I took it as a yes and began walking next to the cliffside. I walked a bit slowly since I couldn't see almost anything. Why must we go out this late? 


Ibuki's Point of View

After her acting she's my parent or whatnot, I followed her along the cliffside. But strangely, I sense as if something bad would happen. Someone near us, trying to am-



Horikita quickly leaned forcefully towards the cliff and began to fall. A shadowy figure appeared in front of me before within 2 seconds, disappeared into Horikita's direction.

"What the hell..."

I quickly went down the cliffside since it wasn't that long. As I finished walking down the slope, I went towards where Horikita's grunt was heard several seconds ago.

"Where is she, where is-"

While I was grumbling, I saw Horikita laying down the floor. She had multiple bruises and seemed to be breathing slowly.

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 3: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now