Chapter 3: Rivals On The Move

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"WHAT are you doing here?" Hirata asked.

A student from Class B, Kanzaki, looked our way. Some other boys I didn't know were with him, but they were Class B students, too. They appeared surprised, as if they hadn't expected us at such an early hour, but quickly regained their composure.

"First day's over, so I wondered how you were doing. I thought I'd check on you. Your location's great."

He seemed legitimately impressed by our base camp.

"You're Kanzaki-kun, from Class B, aren't you?"

Hirata seemed to remember him.

"Did I surprise you? I'm sorry, I'm not here to cause trouble."

With that apology, Kanzaki walked away.

"Yo Kanzaki. Mind telling us where Class B's base is?" I asked him.

"There are large broken trees along the path from here to the beach. If you enter the forest to the southwest and walk a bit, you can find our campsite. You shouldn't get lost if you enter by those large trees. If you need something, go ahead and tell her you can come by."

With that, Kanzaki left. Hirata gave me a strange look.

"I'm guessing he's your friend, hmm? What'd he mean by 'go ahead and tell her'?"

"Well, he's me and Ayanokouji's friend. Also, don't know." I knew perfectly who that "here" was.

"I wonder if they came here to do some reconnaissance, see how we've spent our points."

That was one reason, after seeing Kanzaki's slightly apologetic expression. You could estimate the number of points spent just by the number of toilets, showers, and tents.

"I wonder if our strategy's wrong. Even if we can't beat the other classes, I thought it'd be good for us to unify on this test. That's the real reason I don't want them to discover our leader." Hirata said as he began drying off.

"Don't worry so much. You should relax a little." Ayanokouji insisted.

"Yeah, don't fret on it too much." I agreed.

"Thank you. Coming from you guys, that honestly makes me really happy."

After I washed my face, I scooped up some water for a drink. Even though the forest was insanely hot, the river water was cool and delicious. The water here was groundwater that flowed into the river as spring water, making it naturally resistant to warming or cooling. Since it came from upstream, the water's temperature was resistant to heating. We'd been lucky to secure this place as our base.

"First, I think we need to adjust our sleeping arrangements. Since the ground's so hard here, this week will be tough without proper back support. When everyone wakes up, I'm going to take a poll. We have to cooperate and do our best."


After morning roll call, we began to explore. Hirata provided roles to the more reliable students, starting his plan to save us points. Meanwhile, the less helpful students and the more independently minded like Horikita, Ayanokouji and I did as we pleased.

"What the hell, you guys?!"

Ike's angry voice boomed throughout the campsite. I looked in his direction, and saw two male students, one wearing a grin and the other looking somewhat annoyed. A pained expression flashed across Ibuki's face for a moment, but then she quickly ducked behind the tent to hide herself.

"Tokito and Hidetoshi, huh?"

I knew one of them but Hidetoshi? I heard of him but never outright knew his appearance.

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 3: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now