" This is the exact amount of tears she shed because of you."

" This is just a small punishment for making her cry. As you don't know who she is.  But after today whoso ever try to harm her and make cry will have to face me. I will not leave that person,  remember. She is mine from the minute I have laid eyes on her. Soon she will be mine. My life, my queen , my Jaan."

" You think I will say sorry to some random person. And also forgive someone who pulled such an act with me. You have been with me for years, Raghav . I thought you knew me better."

 Everyone who was present there was shocked because of the intensity of his eyes and voice. They also know that if their boss wants something he will have it at any cost. Many are excited to know who the  girl who attended their boss. While others are afraid for the girl as they know the obsession of their boss.

He dismissed Raghav and looked at the man who was tied to a chair and smirked. "Now it's your turn." 

The man who was tied to the chair is now feeling horrified. As he never thought that Abhimaan would come to know about his plan. But now it's too late. He was already tortured by Zahir. He doesn't want to face Abhimaan. So he decided to plead him.

" Hukum, please leave me. I was not in my right mind. I thought that I would give information about that consignment to higher officials. I will get a promotion."

Abhimaan laugh at him, 

" Do you really think you are here because you gave information about the consignment to a higher official? You are not here because of that. Come on, tell me,  do you want to know about your mistake?"

The man tied on the chair was just looking at him. When he didn't answer he shouted,
" Answer my question right now "

The man got terrified, " please Hukum please tell me my mistake" 

"Hmm that's better. But let's  play a game I will answer your question but before that chose number between 1 to 5" 

"3" Man answered when he didn't have an option. 

" Zhair cut his three fingers then I will tell his mistake." 

Zhair knew something like this was coming. He cut his fingers. That man started shouting because of pain. Blood started flowing. 

 But Abhimaan suddenly started smiling looking at blood  And asked Zhair , "you know what your queen did to stop my car?"  

 Now as everyone knows that their king has found a queen for them they didn't get much shocked with the question. Instead they are curious to know how their Queen  captured their king's attention. 

Zhair looked at Raghav for an answer. Raghav stands there without any expression and without saying a single word. Abhimann asked Raghav,  " Do you want to answer Raghav?"  Who  instantly replied " No Boss"   Abhimaan just smirked at his response.

But got angry when that man didn't stop crying because of pain, 

" Can't you keep quiet when I am talking about my queen? Zhir makes him stop crying."  Zhair put sellotape on his mouth. 

And Abhimaan spoke " you know she facked her accident and used  tomato sauce instead of blood. But she didn't know that by just looking at it I can say that, that was not blood. That's why I didn't take her directly to the hospital and drop that girl first at her school."

Zhair just looked at him with wide eyes and thought about the girl who has to pull such a stunt with his boss.

" But you know she cried bcz this man told everything about it to her brother as her brother shouted in her"  He said pointed towards the Raghav. " If he didn't interpreted that time i was not going tell everything as she was already tense that if he will come to know he will be angry.  But he told everything and made her cry."

Now Zahir understand reaso of Raghav 's punishment and also afraid for other who even will think harm Angel of this Devil.

Abhimaan turn towards man and spoke,

" Now that you are so eager for my attention, let 's give it to you. So where were we? Ya we were talking about your mistake.   You took money from me and then also gave information to higher officials about my consignment. But you know where you are wrong.  They would have never done anything with me you know why they all are corrupt just like you"

Zahir removed tep from his mouth and that man started pleading again.  "Hukum  Please leave me. I will  never come your way. I will take transfer and leave the city. "

Abhimaan looked Zahir and said,   "you know Zahir I am in good mood today so let's not torture him" 

Zahir was shocked at his boss' statement and that man got some hope. But everything changed with his next sentence. " Zahir transfer him, transfer him to heaven."  After saying this he left the warehouse.

So what do you think about Raghav's punishment ? Will he answer any question in future which is related to Advika ?

What do you think what kind of love Abhimaan will have Advika ? This is just starting what will happen when his love grows more and more ? Will Advika be able to bear it ?

If you like the chapter plz vote and comment.

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