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"Once the universe asked me:who is your universe! And I told your name."

They both reached at home at noon 12. Jungkook parked his car in the garage.
"Jimin let's.." Jungkook couldn't finish his words before that he saw Jimin was sleeping like a baby in the corner of the seat while keeping his head on the window glass. Jungkook chuckled at Jimin's cuteness.
"How can someone looks so cute while sleeping!" Jungkook said under his breath and then went outside of the car. He then opened the car's door carefully and carried Jimin like bridal style. He was then taking him inside the house. Jungkook laid Jimin on the bed and covered him with blankets.
Jungkook then took out his phone and was calling the doctor for taking appointment.
"Okay doctor..I will come at 5pm. Thank you so much." Jungkook said over the phone and then hung up the call. Jungkook smiled at sleeping Jimin and then went inside the shower room.
Afternoon 4pm....
Jimin finally woke up and went downstairs where Jungkook was cooking for both of them.
"You woke up!"
"Hmm.." Jimin hummed and sat down in the dinning table.
"Good let's eat and get ready fast."
"Ready where to?"
"To the hospital."
"Hospital? Why! are you okay.!" Jimin said desperately.
" forgot everything. Five days already completed and now you have to remove your bandage."
" can I forget.." Jimin said and gave a silly smile. Jungkook smiled back and then they ate their lunch together.
At 5pm they both reached at the hospital. Both Jungkook and Jimin went inside the doctor's room.
"Oh come Mr. Jeon and Park."
"Hello doctor!"
"Sit ..." They both sat down on the chair.
"So how are you feeling now Jimin?"
"I'm all good "
"That's great,let me remove your bandage.. come to this way" Jimin followed the doctor and then laid down on a bed as the doctor said to do so.
"Um..yeah you are all good now. Nothing to worry Mr. Jeon he is fine now. Seems like you took a great care of him" both Jimin and Jungkook blushed listening to the doctor.
"He is all can work now. Nothing to worry."
"Thank you so much doctor." Both Jimin and Jungkook greeted the doctor and left the room.
"See I told you I will be alright!" Jimin said while pouting.
"And I'm very happy right now." Jungkook said and kissed on Jimin's pouting lips.
"Jungkook! What are you doing we r in public place."
"So? Let me show the world that I'm yours only"
Jimin was blushing hard listening to this. They both then went inside the car and headed for home.

Jimin sleeping in the car:

Jimin sleeping in the car:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

See you in next part. Sorry for the short chapter. I will upload more in next part.
So do you all want another angst!!🤫
Or should I continue smooth chapters!?😌
Comments below 👇🏻💜💛

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