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       "Somewhere the stars know you are mine!"

"What! What did you say!"
"I said listen to my heart will you!" Jungkook said and was approaching towards Jimin. Jimin started walking backward. Jungkook didn't stop from approaching until Jimin hit the wall.
"Wh..what are you doing!" Jimin said while looking at the ground.
"I..I have crush on you. I like you more"
Jimin's eyes were wide opened listening to Jungkook's.
"From when!"
"The day I see you riding bicycle."
" saw me! When!"
"I don't remember the date..but I saw you.  I didn't know that it was you. And from that day I started feeling something about you."
Jimin couldn't say anything only was looking at Jungkook.
"Please let's forget our fight that we used to do before. Let's be friends."
"Will you Jimin!"
"I...I actually need some time." Jimin finally said.
"Yeah of course you can take your time. I can wait for you." Jungkook said while smiling.
"Th.thanks now can you please move a little bit I can't breathe." Jimin said somehow as Jungkook was too close to Jimin.
"Opss.. sorry sorry."
"It's fine ok I'm going now. Hobi is waiting for me I think. I didn't tell him anything." Jimin said worriedly and was about to go but Jungkook stopped him.
"Wait...I told hobi that you r with me at my house so don't worry."
"You said when?"
"You..did you tell about the accident!"
" I didn't."
"Thank God!" Jimin said.
"Let's eat breakfast together." Jungkook said while looking at Jimin.
" thanks. I want to go home."
"Why are you not hungry! Let's eat. "
"I..okayh" Jimin agreed and a bright smile formed on Jungkook's face.
"You sit..I'm making the breakfast." Jungkook said and went inside the kitchen.
Jimin was looking at Jungkook and his heart started beating fast.
"Why I can hear my heart beat. Is it beating too fast!" Jimin said quitely under his breath.
After 20mins Jungkook finally made the breakfast.
"Hey come let's eat." Jungkook called Jimin who was sitting on the couch.
Jimin sat on the chair and looked at the breakfast that Jungkook made.
"Thanks for the breakfast." Jimin said while looking at Jungkook.
"It's ok. Eat." Jungkook said.
They both ate breakfast together.
"Can please tell me what actually happened yesterday! Who did that to you!"
Jimin became silent again.
"Don't worry. I will not tell anyone. Just tell me."
"They are ..."
"Yes?" Jungkook said desperately as Jimin finally started talking.
"They are from my university."
"Are they bullying you!"
"Yeah!" Jimin said quitely with a sad voice.
Jungkook grabbed the spoon tightly on his hand as he was feeling angry suddenly.
"What..what's their name!"
"They known as gangster in SNU"
Jungkook stood up suddenly and Jimin looked at him.
"What..where r you going!" Jimin said with a confused voice as Jungkook went inside his bedroom.
"Here take this!" Jungkook soad and gave the medicines to Jimin who was done with the breakfast.
"You..thanks" Jimin said and took the medicine.
"Thanks for telling me. Don't worry they will not bother you anymore." Jungkook said while eating his breakfast.
"What are you going to do! Please don't involve in this. If they got to know they will be more angry on me and you also. They r really dangerous.."
"Not more than me.." Jungkook said and looked at Jimin which made Jimin surprised.
"Don't worry. They can't do anything." Jungkook said again with a  cold voice and Jimin just nodded.
"I will drop you at Hobi's home." Jungkook said and went for getting ready.
"What is happening with him suddenly!" Jimin said and his cheeks became red.

See you in next part.💜

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