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        "Stay with me and hold my hand for forever."

"I ... I'm sorry " Jungkook started sobbing while holding Jimin's hand softly.
"If I knew that she,,that bastard will go this low I would have never take you there. I'm so sorry Jimin.. please talk to me."
"I..I can't live without you." Jungkook said and again started crying. In that time Jimin's phone which was in Jungkook's pocket was vibrating repeatedly. Jungkook somehow controlled his tears and then brought the phone from his pocket.
"Hobi!" Jungkook said while looking at the caller Id. Jungkook stood up and went near the door.
"What the fuck Jimin what's this. Why you r not picking up my call!"
"You..who's this!"
"Me.. Jungkook."
"Jungkook! Where is Jimin,,why he is not picking up my phone."
"Jimi.. Jimin..he.."
"What he what?"
"Someone tried to kill him and planged a knife into his abdomen."
Hobi's heart skipped a beat. He stood up from his couch.
"Ple.. please come at the hospital. At Seoul city hospital."
"I..I'm coming..I will not leave anyone..I'm coming wait." Hobi said and promptly took his car keys and left his house.
Jungkook cut the call and looked at Jimin. He then again sat beside him .
"It's been fucking 1hr and you still didn't wake up. What's this ha? Jimin wake up..I'm telling!"
"Excuse me Mr. Jeon!" The nurse called out and got inside the room.
"You can't sit here more then 20mins.. please wait outside till the patient's sense come."
"I..I'm ok here I can wait here I will not disturb him."
"Still Mr. Jeon it's not the rules. You can stay with him at night. But now it's not the visiting time. So please wait outside and the doctor is coming again to check up on him."
"Ok..okay but why his sense still didn't come!"
"It will take some times.. just be patient."
"Oh okay." Jungkook said and went outside of the room. The doctor came to check up Jimin. Jungkook was waiting outside. In a short time Hobi reached at the hospital.
"Jimiin...where is Jimin!"
"Excuse me sir ..where do you want to go?"
"Jimin...check out where is he now in which room!"
"Okay wait a min."
"Go to room no.134 he is at emergency room."
"Thanks." Hobi said and ran towards the emergency room. He saw Jungkook waiting outside.
"Where ..where is Jimin!" Hobi said while holding Jungkook's hands.
"He..he is inside."
" did this happen! Tell ..tell mee!" Hobi said quite loudly.
"Me...and Jimin was at a birthday party!"
"Whose birthday party?"
" ex.."
"Your what?"
"Don't fucking tell me now that your ex did this all." Hobi said and held Jungkook's collar .
"She..she did this all. She hired a man."
Hobi's eyes were wide opened listening to this.
"How dare you Jeon Jungkook! Who told you to go there? If you were too interested to go there then why you didn't go alone. Why you took Jimin!"
Jungkook couldn't say anything only was looking down.
"I..I didn't knew it.."
"Oh please Mr. Jeon Jungkook don't fucking give me excuses."
Tears fell down from Jungkook's eyes.
"You know what if something happens to Jimin I swear I will not leave you alone." Hobi said and then looked through the glasses to see Jimin.
After 10mins the doctor came out.
"Doc... doctor!" Both Hobi and Jungkook said desperately.
"His sense just came now..and he is out of danger. But he is still weak. So you both have to take care of him."
Both Hobi and Jungkook felt relieved listening to this.
"Thanks doctor..we will take care of him!"
"Okay..and Mr. Jeon I think Jimin is calling your name repeatedly. You can go inside now."
"Th..thanks doctor."Jungkook said and immediately went inside the room.
"Are you his friend!" The doctor said to Hobi.
"Yeah ..yes doctor."
"Okay we have to fill up some formalities..can you do that!"
"Yes of course please let's go." Hobi siad and went with the doctor."
"Jimiin!" Jungkook said while smiling when tears was beaming in his eyes.
Jimin opened his eyes slowly and looked at Jungkook.
"K.kookh!" Jimin said softly and tears fell down from his eyes.

See you in next part 💜

Destined (Chapter 2)(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora