Yours only

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"And I realized there is something written in the stars."

Jimin was studying and making some notes for the exam. Jungkook was working on his laptop and then he received a call from his secretary.
"Yeah tell me."
"There is a meeting with Chanel brand's CEO. I said we can't come physically but we can arrange a online platform. So you have to join now. Can you do this now?"
"That's good. Thanks Min hyung. I'm joining send me the link."
"Ok sir I'm sending."
Jungkook cut the call and looked at Jimin who was giving his all attention on the study. Jungkook smiled and then took his laptop then went inside his bedroom quietly.
"Aaaa.. finally!" Jimin said and huffed as he completed his notes.
"Why I'm feeling tired so quickly." Jimin said while stretching his neck.
"Let me lay down for a while." Jimin said under his breath and laid on the sofa. He closed his eyes for a while but didn't realized when he fell asleep.
But he couldn't sleep for long as the door bell was ringing repeatedly.
Jimin promptly opened his eyes and looked at the door. He was about to stand up but in that Jungkook came from his room.
"Wait.. don't walk .I'm opening" Jungkook said and smiled at Jimin. Jimin smiled back while looking at Jungkook. Jungkook opened the door and Taehyung got inside the house.
"Jungkook!" Tae said and hugged him tightly. Jimin who was smiling soon he stopped smiling and frowned his eyebrows.
"Ta.. Taehyung?" Jungkook said. Taehyung broke the hug and looked at Jungkook.
"Are you ok.? What happened! I heard everything today's morning!"
"Did..did she done anything to you!"
"No Taehyung I'm alright don't worry!"
"Then..then whom she tried to kill?"
"Yeah there he is!" Jungkook said and pointed at Jimin who was sitting on the couch.
"He ..who?"
"My boyfriend." Jungkook said promptly and smiled.
"Your .what! When?"
"Yeah.. sorry didn't tell you anything! He is Park Jimin my boyfriend."
"From when you are in relationship?"
"Umm.. about 9months!"
"9 months!" Jimin thought in his mind while blushing.
"And you didn't tell me!" Taehyung said with a surprised voice.
"So sorry... couldn't find the right time actually."
Taehyung came inside and sat on the couch in front of Jimin.
"Is Jungkook saying the right?"
"Haha..yeah..he is!" Jimin said while smiling.
"Hi..Jimin this is Kim Taehyung. You know about Kim enterprise? I'm the CEO of that company."
"Oh yeah I heard about it. Hi ,,nice to meet you." They shook their hand in front of Jungkook who was making coffee for all of them.
"So what do you do Jimin?"
"I'm the student of management department."
"Oh I and Jungkook was also graduated from SNU."
"Umm..yeah Jungkook told me"
Taehyung was smiling while looking at Jimin.
"Jungkook your choice is really great!" Taehyung said playfully and Jimin could feel his cheeks burning.
"My choice is always great."
"Jimin is really pretty and handsome."Taehyung said.
"I'm really lucky." Jungkook said and smiled at Jimin.
"Can I take your boyfriend for a ride for one day!"
"No you can't,,now drink coffee and leave early." Jungkook said playfully and kept the coffee mugs on the table.
"Oh.. possessive boyfriend..I see." Tae said while laughing.
"If you want to take Jimin you have to take me also. Cause I'm not leaving him alone." Jungkook said and looked at Jimin who was already looking at him.
"Aish...ok ok fine..I was kidding relax."
"But did this all happened Jungkook? I'm really shocked hearing these all."
"I don't know was my fault..I should have never take Jimin there."
"I mean how can she managed to kill him in front of so many people. I heard it was her birthday party."
"Yeah..she hired someone."
"Dangerous girl...bitch!" Taehyung said with a angry voice.
"Don't worry Taehyung~ shii.. I'm all good now. Nothing to worry."
"Yeah I know..but still you were injured. How are you now by the way."
"Yeah I'm feeling better."
"That's good. Jungkook come to my place one day with Jimin. I will cook for both of you."
"Yeah..I will try to come."
"Jimin take care..ok..! I have to go now."
"Nice to meet you Taehyung shii..and yeah you are also so handsome." Jimin said while shaking his hand with Tae.
"Hahaa..thanks Jimin shhi. Bye take care."
"Ok bye."
Taehyung left Jungkook's house and Jungkook locked the door. Jungkook then came near to Jimin and held his tiny waist.
"He is handsome than me!"
"Hu?..when I said that!"
"Just now!"
"No..I was just praising him ,,you know he also called me pretty that's why."
"Okay.but don't say this next time!" Jungkook said while touching his inner cheeks with his tongue.
"Are you jealous!" Jimin said while smirking.
"Jealous! Ummm...may be yes."
"Cause you are only mine and I'm only yours" Jungkook said in a deep voice in Jimin's ear. Jimin's whole body shivered hearing Jungkook's words.
Jungkook winked at Jimin. And Jimin was trying to hide his blush.
"By the way you said 9months..isn't it only 3 or 4months of our relationship!"
"No..what about that six months online relationship!" Jungkook said while smiling.
"Wah.. really! You ..hahaha I didn't think that way."
"But I think.." Jungkook said and started kissing Jimin. Jimin held Jungkook's shoulder and kissed back promptly.

 Jimin held Jungkook's shoulder and kissed back promptly

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See you in next part 💜

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