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"Please let me stay by your side."

Jungkook was driving fast towards his home. Jimin still didn't open his eyes. His body was burning up.
"Nothing will happen to you..ok.. don't worry." Jungkook was looking at Jimin and was driving fast at the same time. He covered Jimin's body with his coat. He called the doctor to come in his house.

After 30 mins Jungkook finally reached his home. He promptly got down from the car and carried Jimin like bridal style and was taking him inside. All the guards were greeting Jungkook and was looking at each other. They never saw Jungkook carrying someone in his arms.
Jungkook took Jimin in his bed room and laid him on the bed.

Jk's house:

Jungkook's bedroom:

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Jungkook's bedroom:

"Mr Jeon!""Yes doctor please come

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"Mr Jeon!"
"Yes doctor please come."
"Ok we have to check him. I think you can wait outside."
"Okay.." Jungkook said and looked at Jimin before leaving the room.
After 10 mins the doctor came outside of the room.
"Doctor is everything alright!" Jungkook said desperately.
"He was sinking in the water for more than five minutes. But you saved him in right time. The water couldn't go deeper into his lungs. But he has still bad fever,here is some medicine please give him in time."
"Okay thank you so much doctor." Jungkook greeted the doctor and then went inside the room.
Jungkook approached towards Jimin and sat beside him.
"Who did this to you suddenly!"
"Were you in danger!" Jungkook said quitely while looking at Jimin. He then stood up and went inside the shower room as he was also tired enough.
After 5mins Jungkook came out from the shower room. He changed his clothes and was about to go downstairs but he stopped from going and looked at Jimin who was sleeping peacefully. Even in this dark room Jimin was shining as the moonlight fell on his face.
" r beautiful." Jungkook said under his breath and was looking at Jimin.

" Jungkook said under his breath and was looking at Jimin

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Jungkook couldn't take off his eyes from Jimin. But the phone's ringtone interrupted him.
"Who is calling!" Jungkook said and looked at Jimin's phone.
"What should I say to him!" Jungkook thought for a while and then picked up the call.
"Hello Jimin what is this..why you r not picking my call. Where r you!"
"It's not Jimin. I'm Jungkook."
"You..what! Jungkook..then where is Jimin!"
"Don't worry he is with me."
"In my house."
"Your house!"
"He didn't tell me that he will at your place tonight!"
" I just brought him here anyway he will tell you everything tomorrow bye now." Jungkook said and cut the call.

Morning 8 am.......
Jimin opened his eyes slowly and was trying to looking around.
"Where am I!"
Jimin's gaze fell onto Jungkook who was sleeping on the couch beside the bed.
"Ju.. Jungkook!" Jimin siad quitely and was trying to get up from the bed.
"Aahh.." Jimin groaned loudly and in that time Jungkook woke up.
"Ji.. Jimin!" Jungkook said and ran towards him.
"What r you doing! You should have called me."
Jimin didn't say anything only was looking at Jungkook.
"Wh..why I'm here!"
"I brought you here."
"You don't remember!"
Jimin then remembered everything what was happened with him yesterday.
" saved me!" Jimin said and looked at Jungkook who was sitting in front of him.
"I'm glad that I could save you on time."
"Th..thank you so much." Jimin said with a soft voice.
"No need to say thanks. But..."
Jimin looked at Jungkook.
"Who did this to you!"
Jimin started feeling strange while thinking about those two boys of his versity. He wanted to tell Jungkook everything but will it be right. What if they again did something to Jimin. And what will everyone say if he take Jungkook's help. Jimin was thinking this all in his mind.
"Are you ok! What happened tell me!"
"Nothing..why ..why I will tell you..I don't need your help!" Jimin said and was trying to stand up.
"Wait Jimin where r you going why you r behaving like this suddenly!"
"Really! I should have asked you why are you r acting so sweet to me! Why what's your problem." Jimin said quite loudly while looking at Jungkook.
Jungkook became silent listening to this from Jimin.
"Why.. can't I be nice to you!"
" r making me confused" Jimin said loudly. Tears was beaming in his eyes.
"I don't know!" Jimin said and looked away.
"Jimin.. please don't act like this. Listen to me. And my heart."
Jimin looked at Jungkook promptly.
"What did you say!" Jimin asked quietly under his breath. His heart started beating fast suddenly.

See you in next part 💜

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