Something Wrong

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"You choose the path of my heart."

Jimin and Jungkook reached at Yuna's house at 8pm.
"Is it her house!"
"Yeah the address is showing it."
"Oh..let's go then." Jimin said and held Jungkook's hand. Jungkook intertwined their fingers and went inside the house.
It's Yuna's birthday and she gave a party. Everyone was gossiping and dancing around.
"Welcome dear." Yuna said from behind which made both Jungkook and Jimin surprised.
"So he is you boyfriend!" Yuna said while looking at Jimin.
"Yes..he is my boyfriend." Jungkook said and smiled at Jimin.
"Well..I'm not surprised. Anyway meet with my boyfriend also. He is Lee Yun" Yuna said and introduced her new boyfriend with Jungkook.
"So you invited me for this ?" Jungkook said with a serious voice.
"Something like that..why are you jealous!"
"Hah... jealous my foot.Let's go Jimin." Jungkook said and was about to leave the place but Yuna stopped him.
"Wait..wait "
"You can't go now the party just started.And you didn't proved yet Jungkook. How do I know if he is your real boyfriend!"
"Excuse me,Mrs. Yuna!" Jimin finally said and came forward of Jungkook.
"For your kind information Jungkook moved on many years ago. And he is with me now. He has no interest in you. So please stop playing your game and move on also. It will be good for you."
"You talk too much Jimin." Yuna said while looking at Jimin.
"Just shut up..and do your own business Yuna." Jungkook said and went for somewhere else while holding Jimin's hand.
"Is everything alright baby?who are they?" Yuna's boyfriend said.
"Nothing.. everything is go I'm coming." Yuna said still looking at Jungkook and Jimin.
"Finally you came and now let me do my work..Mr. Jimin.! Yuna said and smirked.
"Jungkook relax..calm down." Jimin said while sitting beside Jungkook.
"I can't Jimin..I want to kill her."
"Jungkook just ignore okay..I'm with you..let her say whatever she wants."
"She is too much.."
"I know..just enjoy the party for a while okay..think that we r in a bar shop not at her party."
Jungkook looked at Jimin and was trying to relaxing.
"Wait there I'm sending him."
"Yeah okay. And be ready to kill him." Yuna said over the phone and cut the call.
"Are you ready!" Yuna said to a waiter who was holding a tray of wine glasses .
"Yes ma'am."
"Good. Now go."
"Hah..your boyfriend my foot." Yuna cursed under her breath.
"Aishhh" Jungkook groaned loudly as a waiter poured the wine from the glass intentionally.
"I'm I'm.. really sorry sir...are you ok!"
"You should have watched." Jimin said while helping Jungkook.
"Sir ..sir you can go to the washroom it's up there."
"Jungkook your shirt became wet.. let's go and wash it."
"It's ok Jimin you wait I'm coming.."
"Are you sure!"
"Yeah Don't worry. Just wait." Jungkook said and headed for the washroom. The waiter guided Jungkook way to the washroom.
Jimin was waiting for Jungkook while sitting on the couch alone.
"Great time!" Yuna said and was laughing.
It's been 15mins but Jungkook didn't come yet. Jimin became worried while waiting for Jungkook.
"Where is he! He even didn't take his phone.." Jimin said and stood up from the couch.
"Sir!" Another waiter called Jimin from behind.
"Hu.. yes?"
"Do you Jungkook sir?"
"Yes! Why?"
"I think he is not feeling well..I saw him upstairs..he was laying on the bed in a room."
"Whatt!!" Jimin's heart stopped beating.
"Wh..where is Jungkook?" Jimin asked the waiter desperately.
"He is the last room."
"The..thanks for telling me.."
"It's ok sir you should go."
Jimin ran towards the room immediately.
"Work done!" The waiter said someone over the phone.
"Is there anyone! God..who locked the door!" Jungkook said for the 3rd time while trying to open the washroom's door. In that time a girl opened the door.
"What's all this who locked the door!" Jungkook groaned loudly.
"I..I don't know..I just came now."
"Aishhh... anyway thanks." Jungkook said and promptly went towards the bar area where he thought Jimin is waiting for him.
"Jungkook! Jungkook are you here!" Jimin said while entering into the last room.
"Jungkook!" Jimin again called and went inside the room.
"Why it's so dark here... Jungkook are you ok..are you here?"
"Jung..." Jimin stopped calling Jungkook's name as he heard someone locked the door from inside. Jimin promptly looked at the door but what he could see is a shadow.
"Wh..who is there!" Jimin said with a serious voice. His heart was beating fast in fear.
"I said who is there?" Jimin again said loudly but there was no answer.
"Jimi...! Jimin?" Jungkook said while looking around but Jimin was not there.
"Where he gone?" Jungkook said and picked his phone to call Jimin.
"What the...he didn't take his phone!" Jungkook said as he saw Jimin's phone beside his one.
"Jimin where did you go!" Jungkook said worriedly and started looking for him.

See you in next part 💜

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