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"Heart knows what it wants."

It was late at night.Jungkook drive Jimin at Hobi's apartment.
"Goodnight.." Jungkook said while looking at Jimin.
"Ye..yeah Good night" Jimin said with a smile looking at everywhere except Jungkook's eyes.
"Bye" Jimin said and got down from the car.
Jungkook saw Jimin entering into the house.
"Soon I will tell you what I feel for you..just wait Jimina." Jungkook said under his breath. And then headed for his home.
Jimin went inside the room. He saw Hobi sleeping. Jimin went inside the bathroom and locked the door.

Jimin's POV:
"Noh..no why ..why I'm feeling like this!"
"What's happening to me!"
"Am..Am I falling for him!"
"How can I tell him this!"
"Why he is behaving so nice to me?"
"What's the reason!"
"Oh God!" Jimin said .tears was beaming in his eyes.
"I want to say you something!"
"What is it?"
Jungkook held Jimin's hand and pulled him closure.
"I love you. I love you Jimin!" Jungkook said with a big smile.
Jimin's eyes were wide opened listening this.
"Wh .what really!"
"Yes..I really love you. From the day one."
"Are..are you sure!"
"I love you Jimin"
"Do..do you love..will you give me a chance!"
Jimin's eyes became teary. He pulled Jungkook more closure and crashed their lips together.
"I love you too Jungkook."
"No I love you more!"
"I love you more too .
"I love you you you....(echo)

"Ha" Jimin woke up from the bed and was breathing fast. He looked around.
"Wh..what was the dream about!" Jimin said while panting.
Morning 9am....
Jungkook reached at his office. Before going at meeting Jungkook was calling Jimin.
"Hello!" Jimin said over the phone.
"Hi sweetie.. Good morning."
Jimin blushed and then looked at the screen.
"Good morning. Where r you?"
"I'm at office! What about you! Do you have classes today?"
"Um yeah I'm at the versity."
"Ok then I will pick you up."
"No no Jungkook..I know you have works ..you just can't come at any time."
"It's ok..I can come for you."
"No no.. don't do this. I can go home..I will call you after the classes."
"Ok then take care. " Jungkook said while smiling.
"You too take care. Bye"
Jimin was blushing hard and then put the phone inside his pocket then went inside the classroom.
"Finally I found your address Jungkook." A girl said with smirk while looking at the Jk fashion enterprise building.

See you in next part 💜

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