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So it's official.

Vampire lunged forward and scooped Licorice into a large embrace. Licorice let himself be squeezed and held, as he lets his arm rests across the vampires's back.

Everything was calm and quiet, yet Licorice couldn't help but feel... put off. He still feared what could be out there, if what he'd seen was truly what he though or if it was his paranoia getting the best of him.

Licorice pulled back a bit and lowered his arms.

"Vamp, can we go back now?"

Vampire let's go, still smiling, he was glowing. He was gorgeous, and Licorice felt himself sink back to admiring the cookie before him for a moment.

"Mhm! I'm getting a little sleepy anyways." He begins to stand up, guiding Licorice up with him. He kept his hands held onto Licorice's forearms. As his hands slowly glided away from Licorice, for once, he stretched out, and held onto the vampire's arm. Pulling him back a bit and slipping his fingers between Vampire's.

Vampire turned back for a moment, smiled, and continued back through the graveyard. His hand firmly threaded between Licorice's fingers like the stitching along his cloak.

The night was past it's prime, and as the duo reached the footsteps of the mansion the warm breeze of morning began to sink into the cold night winds. The sky was still pitch black but it faded to a dull purple near its horizons.

Vampire pushed open the doors and immediately Alchemist stood at the other side. Merely a few feet away. Immediately Licorice and Vampire were on edge. Even he, who was far from familiar to the daily workings of this home, could tell this was out of the ordinary.

"Hey Alch. What are you... doing outside your lab?" Vampire teased, but a nervousness still could be read between his words and demeanor.

Alchemist stood cold, a blank, near emotionless expression grazed her face. "Someone was knocking earlier tonight."

The two men stood now more confused than worried.

"Who was it?" Licorice asks, a bit quietly, as of unsure if he was allowed to speak.

"I don't know," Alchemist replied. "They didn't make themself known. When I asked who they were, they just stayed quiet... and kept knocking."

"How long where they here for?" Vampire asks now concerned. A sort of "protective-older-brotherly-instinct" washing over him.

"Not long, after I asked them they stuck around for about a minute before leaving. It was hours ago by now but did you guys see anything suspicious out there?"

She looks at the two of them. Not particularly directly at either one, just a general question, but still, Licorice feels like the question was towards him. Because it had to be... the figure.

Suddenly he felt he could see the figure clear as day. The once ominous shape in the forest shrouded in darkness was now a cookie with features and characteristics. Red hair, flat and pinned to buns stuck to the sides of their head, leaves dangling from them and a piercing glaze that sent chills down Licorice's spine.

But why would she be there? Why would she have disappeared? Why would she knock and knock but just as soon leave?

Time was slipping faster than Licorice thought, but he was frozen still. He could hear Vampire and Alchemist continue to talk but it was muffled by the winds, moving, all of it moving around him, but he stayed. still.

"Licorice? Want to head upstairs?"


Licorice grounded himself and now Alchemist was gone, likely back to her lab. The two still stood at the foot of the door, Vampire keeping the door open with one hand and the other presenting the inside.

"Oh. Yes, sorry." Licorice hurries in.

"Don't worry about it, it's alright." Vampire reassures.

Strange. He obviously referred to Licorice apologizing for dazing off, but for a second, it felt like Vampire was referring to Licorice's inner fears.

Either way, Licorice was still on edge.

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