Buddy Buddy

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"Heyyyy Buddy! I haven't seen you in forever! What are you doing here?" Vampire said, opening his arms, going in for a hug. He embraced Licorice Cookie, who stood there confused. Vampire held into the cookie, completely leaning onto him for balance. Licorice didn't know what to say. They hadn't talking in years and they certainly didn't leave on good terms, so why was he acting like this?

But then he saw it. Well, more like smelt it. Vampire laid his head in the cookies shoulder and Licorice smelled wine. Vampire reeked of the stuff. Moments of silence went by and Vampire hadn't seemed bothered by it. In fact he hadn't moved from his position aside from his grip on Licorice getting slightly tighter. He moved back a bit to see if Vamp would let go. Vampire, instead, slumped over even more. Right as Licorice loosened from the cookie's grip, he seemingly regained some sort of consciousness and faced Lico.

"Hey, we should catch up! Everywhere is closed but my place isn't too far" He smiled. Licorice was about to decline until he realized this could be his only chance at finding a way out of the kingdom.

"uh- Yes! Yes, we should! Lead the way!" Licorice exclaimed, hands now on the other cookie's back, lightly pushing him towards the alley's exit. Vampire Cookie beamed and took Licorice's hand. They walked out of the alley and headed down the street. Licorice's face flushed, how embarrassing, first lost in your enemy's kingdom and now you're being lead to someone's house by the hand like a toddler.

Despite the fact that they walked in the middle of the empty sidewalks, they went undetected the whole way home. Vampire had taken a while to remember, but he soon maneuvered his way around the kingdom. Licorice had initially planned to slip away once he was in the outskirts of the kingdom, but Vampire had a tight grip on his hand the entire time. They soon made it to a gothic-style Mansion.

Vampire lead Licorice through the house to his bedroom. The room was wide and decorated all over with the same gothic architecture along the walls. There was a large couch and a coffin, the two most notable things in the room. It was dimly lit, the only light coming from candles scattered around the room. All the windows were covered with thick, black curtains. Vampire let go of Licorice's hand and laid on the couch, taking up a good half of it's length. He turned his attention back to Licorice and motioned him to the couch, inviting him to sit down.

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