The Street

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By the time Licorice and Vampire left the garden, the sun had rest itself on the edge of Earthbread. The sun was a gentle orange that bled into a red that brought along the night sky. The world was illuminated by the glistening stars that showered the kingdom. The duo hadn't said a word since planning their next location. It was a peaceful silence, one made in unspoken unison to keep the world still. To lavish and admire the other simply for their presence.

     The streets became more populated as they grew closer to the square center. A busy street, used to get to most places. The crowd was much more tame by now, most crowding around performers, leavening peace to walk between shows. Music and awes from the crowd filled the streets. The street lights illuminated the edge of the streets, giving the land a bright back drop, encasing many in shadow that enhanced their figure.

     The Hollyberry kingdom prided itself in their juice. Obviously, the news quickly made its way to Vampire who wished to see for himself.  Licorice and Vampire however, still lingered behind a few crowds to enjoy the show. They'd continue to reach for one another anytime they'd be caught in a moving group. They ended up linking arms, to avoid getting lost while out in the streets.

     Vampire prepared to continue his search until two figures grew towards him and Licorice. He stared, squinting to make out the cookies, who's features where hidden in shadow. That was, until the couple walked in view of a streetlight, which lit the mint-green hair and white winter gown amidst the night. Licorice turned, noticing the vampire had his head turned away from the performance. He too, saw the cookies in the spot of light, only a few feet from them. Licorice, however, did not at all recognize the two, but it was clear Vampire did.

"Vampire Cookie?!" Mint Choco cookie exclaimed. He held a shocked expression since recognizing the cookie and especially after seeing who he was with. Mint Choco had his arm held by Cocoa Cookie, his girlfriend whom Vampire had never formally met.

Mint Choco and Vampire stared, horrified and confused at each other for a moment. Licorice too, once getting a slight understanding of the situation, was in shock. Cocoa, however, did not sense this tension, quickly breaking it by excitedly gasping and exclaiming, "Vampire Cookie!? Oh my, I'm Cocoa! I've heard so much about you and the others from Mint Choco!!"

     She lent out her hand for Vampire to shake. Vampire took it and forced a smile.

" Heyy! Yeah, Minty's talked a lot about you, too..."

Cocoa gleamed. "It's so nice to finally meet you! Oo- and please do introduce your boyfriend!"

"Oh, This is Licorice cookie-"


Vampire's words slowly trailed off as he realized what Cocoa had said, but it was too late. Mint Choco's jaw nearly fell to the floor as Cocoa excitedly reached out to shake Licorice's hand. Licorice took her hand and greeted her. He too was quite shocked at Vampire's quick response, however, Licorice didn't bother correct her either. Maybe pretending to be on a date would seem less suspicious?

"Aweee, Hello Licorice Cookie" Cocoa squealed. She then turned back to Mint Choco Cookie and asked, "Why didn't you tell me they'd be here too?"

"I... didn't know he would." Mint Choco responded, turning to Vampire suspiciously.

"Ahm- Well- It was really coincidental." Vampire looked to Licorice for help. He caught on and chimed in.

"Yeah! I invited Vampire here to- on a-" Licorice trailed off.

"on a- Date! Yeah" Vampire finished. Licorice nodded anxiously, confirming his words.

"Oh, how sweet! We were just on a date, too! Hey, How about we go on a double date? We were just headed to a restaurant for dinner!" Cocoa offered. "Oh- Well, obviously if you're also okay with it." She directed at Mint Choco cookie.

"Of course, the more the merrier." Mint Choco beamed at Cocoa, slowly making eye contact back with Vampire.

"Yeah... that sounds... greatt!" Vampire said, as he continued to look at Licorice for any sort of possible reaction. Licorice simply continued to awkwardly force a smile to the couple before them.

"Splendid, it's just down the street here!" Cocoa lead the way, pulling along Mint Choco who followed her obediently. Licorices and Vampire followed a few feet behind, still linking arms. Looks like their hangout at Hollyberry ended up as a date after all...

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