Cookies of Darkness

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     The bar went on with it's usual light-hearted shenanigans. While Sparkling was serving the other patrons at the bar, Herb, Vampire and Mint Choco chatted. Mint Choco talked of his recent performances, Herb gave updates on the various plants he grew and Vampire sat listening to it all. As much as he spoke, Vampire always had the least to actually say. It was either drunken nonsense or a lazy reply. Though the others didn't mind, it had always seemed weird that the other three had such strong passions for their respective hobby/careers and yet Vamp had seemingly nothing.

     He was just a lazy, drunk vampire to the kingdom. This thought passed Vampire Cookie's mind often but as fast as it would come, he would drown it out with wine. He never thought for too long, it was easier for him to do nothing and drink than read into what his life had become. At least he had his friends.

     Meanwhile, outside of the Kingdom, a few cookies where having their usual. Licorice Cookie and Poison Mushroom Cookie had been up too no good. The duo had been given a mission from Dark Enchantress Cookie to gather information on the Cookie Kingdom. However, the tasks assigned to the two often ended poorly, and today was no exception. A few Cookies from the kingdom had spotted them almost immediately and they were now in heavy pursuit.

     Whilst running from the cookies, Licorice had lost sight of Poison Mushroom. Licorice worried his friend had gotten caught but he couldn't go back to look for right now, he was lost. Licorice had never gotten this deep into the kingdom before. Luckily it was getting dark soon, meaning he could blend into the night. That, however, didn't fix the issue that Lico was not at all familiar with the area and hadn't paid attention to where he'd come from.

     He aimlessly wondered the streets, making sure to check his surroundings and staying close to the shadows and alleyways. Waiting for the sun to fully set so he could pick up his pace.

     Back at the Juice Bar, it was getting later and later and gradually the bar emptied out. Well, almost empty, as always the regulars stayed late. The four walked their separate directions home and Vampire stumbled along the sidewalk.

His home wasn't too far but it was just outside of the kingdom and at his state, navigating out of town was difficult. Sometimes he'd barely make it home by morning, to which his sister would scold him for but he didn't mind.

At this time, the kingdom was basically empty, most would be at home asleep. Vampire cookie knew this. He was always out late, and so it caught his attention very quickly when he heard another pair of footsteps not too far away.

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