Bye, Hollyberry

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     The door swung open to reveal Licorice cookie. He'd pushed the door with his knees, as his hands were occupied holding two bags. He looked around and found Vampire still laying, sprawled across the bed they'd slept in. As he walked in to set the meal down, Vampire lifted his head to greet the cookie with a bright smile.

"Hope you like waffles, Vamp." he said, setting one of the bags before Vampire.

"Aww," Vamp cooed. "You treat me so well." He opened the bag and dug into the sealed meal. It was warm and the smell of fresh syrup and butter filled the room.

The two sat up on the bed and ate. As impolite as it felt to eat on top a friend's guest bed, Vampire felt far too imbalanced to walk to a table. Even the short distance he walked in the morning to greet Cocoa and Mint Choco took a lot out of him.

Shortly after breakfast, Licorice suggested starting their trip back home. However, Vampire wasn't quite ready for the journey back.

"The juice last night was so strong." he wined. "But it was sooooo— worth it."
He swung himself onto the bed, burying his face into the mattress. "I could go for another glass..." He thought, once again sitting up right, looking off into the distance in thought.

"Oh, No— We're about to go, I don't wanna carry a drunk cookie all the way back."

"Awww, but its the only thing that gets me going— wait- actually—" Vampire leaned towards Licorice, their faces inches apart. He kept his head low and looked up at Lico. "I could—..." He reached up, slightly pointing at the cookie's neck. Licorice reached over to his own shoulder and realized what he was referring too. He quickly broke eye contact, darting his eyes around the room.

"Can I?" Vampire asked, now barely hovering over the cookie's neck.

Licorice leaned back a bit. He now stared blankly at the cookie before him. He thought for a moment... his turtle neck... it was skin tight. If he were to allow Vampire to take some jam from his neck... he'd have too...

Licorice crawled out from under Vampire a bit, before beginning to pull his shirt over his head. Vampire watched in awe, almost as if he had forgotten what he'd just asked of Licorice. Licorice pulled the shirt over his head and laid the shirt, that was still partially over his arms, down to his chest. Vampire's eyes followed his arms, examining the two large, partially healed scars across his lower chest. His eyes went back up to meet Licorice's and reached his hand out.

Licorices lip quivered for a moment before he leaned back towards Vamp. "Uhm- well— go! Take as much as you need." Licorice turned his head away, awaiting the bite.

Vampire pushed his hand onto the cookie's shoulder, laying him down on the bed. As he leaned towards the neck, he licked his lips. Desperate for the jam, Vampire sunk his teeth into the cookie's dough as he sat atop Licorice. Licorice held his breath and released it in a small gasp as Vampire bit into him. Vampire pulled away after a few minutes. He leaned over Licorice who slowly got up after him and put his turtle neck back on.

"Oh- Wait!" Vampire exclaimed. Licorice stopped and looked at Vampire, with his shirt still barely over his elbows. Vamp shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a single bandaid. He peeled the bandaid and placed it over the bite. Licorice looked at it for a second before cracking a smile and laughing as he pulled the shirt back on. Vampire beamed with pride in his preparation. He had thought to bring a bandaid in case this happened.

     The duo made their way to the dock. Before leaving the room, however, Licorice cookie left a sticky note on the kitchen table. On it read: "Thank you for letting us stay at your house for the night! - Vampire & Licorice :)"

The ride back to the kingdom was a bit more slow. It was nearing mid-day and quite a few cookies from Hollyberry where out on the soda sea. The afternoons blew light winds this time if the year, lovely weather. Vampire was still transfixed on the sea. It seems no matter how many times he saw it, he was always amazed. He was like that. It was something Licorice liked about him. If he thinks something is nice the first time, he'll think it is just as nice the millionth time.

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