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As short of the distance the cemetery was from the kingdom, it still took a bit out of him getting back. He hadn't done that much cardio since his sister forced him out of the witch's oven. He wondered where he might be able to have a more easygoing adventure. Then suddenly, he came across something.

Herb Cookie's garden. You honestly couldn't miss it. The surroundings were gorgeous, all the vegetation around it was green and gorgeous and well kept. It was truly a sight for sore eyes. Extremely calm and relaxing, exactly the type of thing Vampire wanted right now.

He carefully maneuvered through the plants in search for Herb. He could hear a faint melody through the greenery. He wondered if maybe Herb played music for his plants. He was kinda weird like that. The music playing sounded incredibly good though so he honestly wouldn't blame him. He went closer and closer to the music until he could make out a cookie.

"Oh, hello!- Vampire Cookie is it?" He was spotted by a unfamiliar cookie within the garden. They wore a long, green dress with a matching hat and coat. Vampire nodded in response to the cookie's question.

"Mm, I thought so, I'm Clover! Clover Cookie." The cookie bowed their head slightly, still seated, with a small instrument on their lap.

"Herb Cookie is inside, I imagine that's who you're here to see." Clover pointed behind himself to a small cottage-like building within the plants.

"Yeah, Thanks" Vampire Cookie slightly waved and walked towards the door. How strange, he hadn't seen that cookie before.

     Vampire cracked open the door and peered in before walking in. The home was bright, all the windows had the sun beaming through onto all the indoor plants that decorated the walls and tables. He'd been to the house maybe once before, back when Herb first started his plant stand. It was fairly bare, aside from furniture and the plants, but still beautiful. He wondered through the living room and then Herb peered out the kitchen.

"Vampire! You're up early, what brings you here?"

"The sun woke me up. I thought I'd drop by!"

"Ah, we'll you're just in time! I was about to have some tea with Clover Cookie"

"Yeah, hey, Is he knew to the kingdom or something? I've never seen him before."

"Oh no, he just lives out in the forest. He doesn't come into the kingdom all that often."

"Hm. Then how do you know him?"

"I met him while I was out in the forest examining some flowers. I heard him playing in the distance. He's very talented, just like Mint Choco."

The two walked back out to Clover Cookie. They sat in a circle, pulling up little stools to sit on. Once they settled in their seats, Clover and Herb quickly started up a conversation. Vampire didn't pay any attention to the conversation. He stayed focused on the tea. He didn't get a cup, he never really drank anything aside from wine. He was, however, getting kinda thirsty but he figured he'd wait until he visited the Juice Bar. He wasn't sure how long he'd zoned out but eventually he did tune into the conversation. It was nothing of note, that is until they started talking about Licorice.

"I heard the cookies of darkness got into the kingdom, Is it true?"

"Oh no, I think some cookies just spotted them around the edge of the forest."

"Oh! That makes sense, a few days ago I saw Licorice Cookie running the opposite direction of the kingdom. I thought he was being chased but no one was behind him. It sure did frighten me though..."

"Oh dear, I hope they aren't trying to get in..."

The cookies continued to talk as Vampire grew increasingly nauseous. Something about the mention of the cookies of darkness and Licorice right then made him feel anxious and dizzy. He had to go. He wanted to leave before they got suspicious.

"-H-hey I'll be going now! Herb, I'll see you at the bar later- maybe- and uhm- Clover Cookie, it's good to meet ya'! Bye-bye!"

"Oh, of course! See you then!" Herb exclaimed. Clover simply waved good-bye to Vampire.

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