Rain Water

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A/N: I had to rewrite most of this chapter and the next because i ended up not liking the original draft :/ sorry it's been a while!!! i'm working on this i swear i just hit a bit of a block but i'm back on track! enjoy!!

     The day following Vampire's surprise intervention from his friends, he went to the bar. Except this time, before he could make it into the kingdom, Herb cookie stopped him. He had ran over to the cookie in hopes to talk to with him in privacy. He apologized for telling Sparkling what he'd heard from Clover, and how it was out of concern. Vampire cookie understood, he never once blamed any of this on Herb, or any other cookie for that matter. Vampire understood their concerns, but for some reason that made everything worse in his head. He was more upset about how much everything they said made sense. It was very possible Licorice could be using him. As sincere as he seemed, how could Vampire truly know Lico's intentions?

Vampire assured Herb he wasn't upset with any cookie. Herb gave a sigh of relief and brought the plant he held up to his face. He looked down at it for a moment before looking back to Vampire and suggesting to continue towards the bar. Vampire didn't need to be told twice, and so the two set off.

As soon as Herb and Vampire turned the corner, they noticed that the bar was packed. That wasn't necessarily unusual in-and-of itself, however, it seemed there were cookies they'd never seen before in there. All new and old patrons, mingling among each other. Herb and Vampire walked through the crowd. As packed as the place was, the unspoken rule continued to be upheld, and the regular's spots where untouched. They took their usual seats along side Mint Choco cookie, who had a half-finished drink beside him.

Vampire waited for Sparkling to be done with his other patrons before ordering. In the meantime, he made small talk with Mint Choco.

"The place is packed, what's the occasion?"

"Cookies on vacation is seems, around this time is when many like to come around here as a get-away, renting cabins in the woods nearby."

The conversation was cut short once Sparkling had a moment free to check on the trio. He quickly threw together Vampire a glass of wine and Herb a glass of tea. He then slid it towards them before getting busy with more orders.

As Herb and Mint Choco shifted the conversation, Vampire looked down at the drink before him. The clear glass reflected purple within the busy bar for a split second before going back to transparent. Vampire turned around, quickly shooting his eyes towards anything that could resemble the color. After a moment of looking into the full crowd, he sunk back into his seat. He pulled his hand out and took a large gulp of his wine, before setting it back down.

The late evening was met by pouring skies. Thunder shook the earth after flashes of light lit the sky. By nighttime, the only cookies left in the bar where Mint Choco, Herb, Vampire and Sparkling. Once hearing the first roar from the ground, Herb cookie began to count the seconds between thunder. He liked to know the distance so he could protect his precious plants. However, after listening to the thunder for a while, Herb found the thunder to be irregular. He'd measure the distance enough times in the past to understand the normal patterns of the thunder in the kingdom, and this was far from it. Especially since sometimes lightening would hit and no thunder would follow and vice-versa. Odd, but the cookies paid no real mind to it. They were much more concerned for the other cookies making it home safely. Mainly, Vampire cookie.

"Vamp, are you gonna be okay walking home in weather like this? You could stay with me till the storm clears." Sparkling offered as he started to close shop.

Vampire sighed. He didn't mind Sparkling's hospitality usually, but after yesterday, he began to get irritated by it.

"I can make it home fine, Sparkling cookie."

"You sure? It would be no problem at a-"

"Why can't you just trust me!-" Vampire snapped. He quickly toned down his tone. "You- you said you did..."

Sparklingly quickly recoiled and looked down at the keys he held to close the bar.

"yeah... I did..." there was a long pause before Sparkling held out an umbrella for Vampire to take. "Goodnight, Vampire cookie."

Vampire slowly took the umbrella, looking it up and down before walking away. "Goodnight, Sparkling cookie."

The walk was long and depressing. The usually bright, happy streets were coated in a deep, dark blue, that blended the buildings and streets into a shadowy blur. The rain crashing down, weighing the cookie down along with his umbrella. Vampire kept his head low, watching the puddles beneath him shine for seconds at a time when lightening would strike the earth. Usually, Vampire liked this weather. The clouds hid the sun and he'd be able to comfortably walk in the open but this time it was different. The circumstances make the weather feel dreadful. We wished he could see the stars. He wanted to feel secure again.

     Vampire reached the end of the kingdom. Before leaving, he stood, staring at the forest before him for a moment. He dazed at nothingness and shakily began walking again. Vampire drag himself along the same dirt path he walked every day. However, tonight the dirt was a thick, pasty mud. He observed the wet land before him as each step felt as though he was further sinking to the earth. He could float, but the rain hitting the umbrella pushed him toward the floor. It would be too much effort to float all the way home.

Vampire's focus cut from the floor to a sudden splashing of puddles. It wasn't the usual rain drops hitting it though. It was heavier. Vampire lifted his head over to find what caused the sound. He walked forward. As he did, a dark figure passed through distant trees. The figure was shaking and struggling in the heavy rain. Vampire treaded closer to the silhouette, cautiously stepping around puddles and loose branches. A sudden gust of wind blew through the forest, ripping the umbrella backwards and opening Vampire to the elements. He let the umbrella follow the wind as he prioritized reaching the figure before him. He clenched his eye shut to avoid the rain and wrapped his arms around himself.

For a moment, the wind slowed. Once it did Vampire was able to open his eyes. Before him was a tattered, soaked robe. The already poor stitching undone and torn at the seams. Vampire stepped forward to get a better look. As he did his shoe snapped a branch and the figure turned. Uneasily, the silhouette revealed a cookie, bruised and battered. He hunched over a scythe for support and with the sudden turn he nearly collapsed.

Vampire ran towards the cookie and caught him before he could hit the floor. He was barely conscious. He pulled the cookie's arm over his shoulders and dragged him out of the rain.

     Vampire burst through the door, with the uneasy cookie on his shoulder. He fell to the floor and crawled over the shut the door. Vampire sat against the door, hearing the winds howl behind him. He looked forward, to Licorice cookie. Licorice sat upright, shaking and hunched over himself. He looked as though any second he could pass out all over again. Vampire got up and looked around the corner to see a lit fire place in the living room. Alchemists must've lit it while he was at the bar. How nice. Walking back to Licorice, he scooped the cookie up and placed him before the fire place. Not a single word spoken, and Licorice hardly reacting. For a while that's how it was. Vampire could sense Lico's exhaustion, it was a feeling he was all to familiar with. He allowed Licorice all the time he needed to recollect himself. While Vampire had about a million questions and concerns for Licorice, right now, he was okay, they both were.

LicoVamp: Magic LoversOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz