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Licorice and Vampire cookie walked back up to Vamp's bedroom to throw together a disguise. The two went back and forth, going through Vampire cookie's entire closet before coming to an agreement. The result was near identical to Vampire's outfit, with slight changes. Licorice was given a cloak, similar to that of Vampire's cape but with a hood, which was something that Lico was much more comfortable with. Licorice wore his hair loose and out of his eyes. He turned and presented the look too Vampire, who looked him up and down.

"Woah, You look completely different!"

"Yeah, but, I'll just-" he pulled his hood lower. "Wear it like this."

     Vampire smiled and led Licorice back down stairs. Vampire figured they go to the kingdom together, to see if the disguise works. As they got close to the front door, Licorice stopped.

"hm? What are you waiting for?"

"I don't know... just— what if this doesn't work?! They're bound to figure it out! If they see you with me they'll-"

"Heyyy, don't worry about me! Plus, we aren't going to go around introducing you to everyone. We are just gonna hang out, maybe get a drink or two and go right back home! Here, we'll come up with a different name for you, incase anyone asks who you are."

Licorice sighed and followed Vampire out the mansion. As much as he worried, he couldn't pass up the offer. He wanted to see the life Vampire lived since they parted all those years ago. He hadn't thought too much about it recently, but when they'd first crossed each-other in the alleyway, Vampire was so... different. Maybe it was because he was very drunk but, even when sober, there was just something off. During their school days, Vampire had seemed so much more alive (or about as alive as a vampire could be). He still held a lazy and care-free demeanor, but he felt... happier? Now it seemed he was drained. He oddly drifted about life, with no direction... but there had to be more, right? Something in his routine that meant something to Vampire. Licorice just wanted a look into his mind, and this was as close as he'd get.

     As the two walked towards the kingdom, Licorice continued to worry about what could possibly happen. His thoughts were overrun with all the horrible things that could happen were he to be caught. He thought of what would happen to Vampire were the cookies to find he'd smuggled a villain into the kingdom. They'd think he was working for the enemy or secretly a traitor or- who knows! Licorice unknowingly slowed his pace, trailing behind Vampire cookie.

"Hey, Lico?"

Licorice snapped back to the present, lifting his head to Vampire who stood a few feet ahead. Vampire smiled and tilted his head.

"What do you think of— Guava Cookie!"


"Yeah! Like the green fruit but the inside's pink. Since your hair is pink right now, I think it fits... kinda."

Licorice laughed along with the idea. He wasn't to fond of the name, but wouldn't complain, as he hadn't thought of a name at all. With his mind momentarily cleared of worry, he and Vampire approached the kingdom.

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