Till Next Time

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     The two walked through thick forest. The sun was high and clouds scattered the sky. They reached a clearing, a circle of grass and flowers uninterrupted by trees. Licorice walked into it before hearing a thud behind him. He turned to see Vampire sprawled out on his stomach under a tree's shade, facing the floor. Concerned, Licorice turned back and kneeled down beside him.

"Vampire! Are you okay?!"

Vampire slowly turned his head to Licorice's. "Hm— Yeah just need a break—" he muttered, his cheek pressed to the grassy floor. "We've been walking for so long."

Licorice let out a short breath and sat beside him. He was relieved Vampire was alright. "Take as long as you need, Vamp. We are almost there anyways."

Vampire turned over to his back, his arms behind his neck. The two stared up at the sky for a while. Every so often, Vampire's eyes would fall back to Licorice, his favorite sight to behold. His long, deep indigo locs that framed his face, those eyes that glistened like the gold they resembled, he could stare at it all forever.

"We should go to Hollyberry again sometime." He said.

Licorice turned back to Vampire. He rested his chin on the knees he held up to his chest.

"It was nice" Vampire finished. He stared back up to the sky, reminiscing on the day before.

"Things got really interesting when we ran into your friend." Licorice added.

"Mint Choco?-Oh yeah!—" Vampire had almost forgotten dinner and the party. "I'm- Sorry about— I didn't realize she said— boyfriend..."

"Ah- It's fine, we'll correct her eventually" he laughed, anxiously.

     Vampire searched for a way to move away from the topic. He wished to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere that grew from the interaction.

"... I knew Mint Choco was going to be in Hollyberry." he admitted. This quickly caught Licorice's attention. He turned and stared at the cookie.


"I was going to tell you but— I didn't want to make you go all the way back after you invited me. I was just hoping we wouldn't run into him..."

Licorice's initial shock wore out quickly as he sighed, "...maybe I should've told you where we were going in the first place." Licorice paused for a moment, looking around a bit before turning his attention back to Vamp. "Hey, Do you want to go now?"

Vampire looked at the sky once more before lifting himself from the grass. "Yeah. Let's go."

Once they approached the front door of Vampire's home, Licorice slowed his pace. As Vampire stood before the entrance, he turned to the cookie behind him.

"Oh, before you go—" Licorice began, as he spoke he turned his head to the bag he'd been carrying. In it he had been holding the left overs from their breakfast at Cocoa's place, however it seemed there was something else in it. "I got this for you."

Licorice pulled out a glass bottle from within the bag. Vampire examined the bottle but couldn't determine it's contents. It was smaller than a bottle of wine, but the glass was tinted pink and you could barely see the silhouette of a liquid inside it.

"It's some of that Hollyberry juice. I saw how much you liked it so earlier I passed by and-"

Vampire cut Licorice off with an embrace. He squeezed the cookie a bit before pulling away and looking him in the face. Vampire shone a grin at the cookie as his arms fell off from around Licorice.

"Thank you," Vampire cookie whispered.

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