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     Vampire had woken up and eaten breakfast early in the morning, since he'd been forced awake by the brink of day burning his skin. He didn't realize how much time he had. He wasn't used to being up so early, usually he'd wake up near noon then go to the bar. He wasn't quite sure what to do before then. He didn't feel like going to sleep, he wasn't sleepy and being stuck in his room was miserable. So he thought he'd be a bit adventurous. He'd go into the kingdom and socialize. He could be quite extroverted when he wanted to be, and today, he wanted to be. He pulled on his big cloak to protect himself from the sun and headed off to the kingdom.

The kingdom was bright and vibrant as usual, yet today Vampire really took it all in. Many cookies where either just waking up or heading off to run errands or work. It really was a sight to be hold. Vampire drifted over the side walk and watched the cookies going about their day.

As he was occupied, a small cookie grabbed onto his cloak, lightly tugging down on Vampire Cookie. He turned down to see who was interrupting his cookie-watching. The cookie wore a puffy, orange dress with orange hair to match and a headband with black bows. Pumpkin pie cookie. He'd seen the cookie before, she was a active participant in the halloween party the kingdom would hold every year.

"Have you seen Pompon?" she asked.


"Pompon! My friend. They're orange and small, or big."

"Oh- Pompon, yeah. Sorry, haven't seen them."

    This "Pompon" was Pumpkin Pie's doll she would carry everywhere. She referred to it as her best friend, and with her slightly creepy nature it made many cookies wonder if Pompon was actually alive, but no one really questioned it.

"Maybe I could help you find them?" On a regular day Vampire wouldn't have bothered, but he had really nothing better to do. At the very least, he could aid this little girl in finding her toy.

"Really? Oh, thank you!"

"Yeah, now, where'd you last see Pompon?"

     The two walked around the kingdom as Pumpkin Pie cookie retraced her steps. She said the last time she saw Pompon was earlier that morning when they were having a tea-party near the cemetery. Once they made it to the edge of the cemetery, Vampire could see Pumpkin Pie's tea-party set up in the distance. It was a cute, small table with a large orange umbrella over it. All very halloween esc. The two looked around. The cemetery was along a few eerie-looking trees. As the two looked in opposite directions, something in the trees caught Pumpkin Pie cookie's eye.

"Pompon!" she yelled.

Vampire quickly turned around to see the little cookie jumping to try and reached Pompon, who was up on a high branch in the tree. Vampire quickly went over and put the cookie on his shoulders, to help reach Pompon. Pumpkin Pie cookie excitedly snatched up the small, bunny-like plush off the branch.

"Thank you, Mr. I don't know if I would have found Pompon without you!"

"Yeah, no problem kid, but How did Pompon get there?" Vampire asked, setting the orange cookie down.

"Pompon is very strong." she said, with a big smile across her face.

Vampire laughed, "Yeah..."

"Could you stay for tea? Pompon and I would love to have you!"

"Aw, I'd love too but, hey, how about tomorrow?"

"We'll see you then! Say goodbye, Pompon," she held Pompon in front of her and said, "Goodbye, Mr! Thank you again!"

"Bye!" Vampire waved as he walked back towards the kingdom. She was an odd kid but she was pleasant for the most part. Vampire just wasn't in the mood for a tea-party in the cemetery today.

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