Chit Chat

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     Vampire Cookie sprawled across the couch, once again laying his head on Licorice Cookie.

"So How'd you sleep?"

"Uh?" The sudden question caught Licorice off guard but it was better than the awkward silence he was expecting, "oh, uhm, Good-good. The couch was cozy..."

"That's nice" Vampire yawned. "I had a nice dream and you were in it." He sat up, completely facing Licorice.

"O-oh, I was?" Licorice stuttered. He was so close.

"Yeah, You were reading and I was laying next to you" Vampire then laid his head onto Licorice's shoulder. "Like this."

"o h, w o w" Licorice gave out an anxious laugh, "Good to know" he croaked. If he didn't think so before he definitely thought Vampire was still drunk now. No sober person could have such confidence, such audacity.

Vampire couldn't help but gave a laugh at how visibly embarrassed Licorice got at his gesture. His sensitivity to small gestures like that was always so charming to Vampire.

"Are you hungry? I am." Vampire lied, but he had to get something going on, it was kinda awkward right now.

"uhm- Kind of?"


     Vampire got up and walked towards the door. He opened the door and looked back at Licorice.

"Let's make something" He said.

"But, What about your sister?"

"She already knows you're here, it's no big deal" he assured, swatting the air.

     Licorice stood up from the couch and walked towards the cookie. Immediately, Vampire took his hand and headed down the hall.

AAAA!! Again with the hand holding?!? Licorice thought. Last time it was at least some-what understandable. He was leading him through a unfamiliar kingdom into an unfamiliar mansion but Now? C'mon there's no way this house is that big.

"Why do you need to hold my hand everywhere?!" Licorice protested.

"Wouldn't want you getting lost.... or sneaking off"

     Licorice then gave in and allowed himself to be dragged along the corridors.

LicoVamp: Magic LoversWhere stories live. Discover now