25. How Far We've Come

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A/N: Words cannot convey the sheer energy of this Dodgebolt. It was cute how excited Fruit was lmao even if he's viewed as one of the quieter participants. H's genuine trust in False is also endearing... he believed in her before she believed in herself :D They're my favourite Blue9 duo now haha. (Divorce arc hit us hard /lh)

I started writing this before MCC29 and oh. My. GOD. I felt insane watching Aqua29 live, having just recently watched MCC9's Dodgebolt. The 1v3. H and False. FALSE TELLING H TO STOP TALKING TO HER. It's come full circle. The narrative. I'm in tears [incoherent].

I did homework for this. I checked out every team's POV. Honestly, the tension was somehow worse when watching from an outsider POV. Ideally I would be able to cover the ups and downs of the general audience reaction, but that requires too much work and it'll be difficult to shift it into a coherent narrative (since the main POV should be the Blue Bats). But yeah, the audience went bonkers for this Dodgebolt. You love to see it.

Also I know I use in-game names and real names interchangeably (hi Dave Krtzyy and Jordan CaptainSparklez), sorry for the mild confusion.


I'm waking up at the start of the end of the world,

But it's feeling just like every other morning before,

Now I wonder what my life is going to mean if it's gone


Despite the interruption caused by Stan's meltdown (which did nothing to help Lime by the way and just made them more stressed), the Blue Bats were progressing well in Sands of Time.

Fruit ended up finding the green vault, and it unlocked with a satisfying jingle. Grinning to himself, he scooped up every single coin in the vault. H and Fruit then joined forces to clear through the mobs. They operated swiftly and efficiently like they did in Survival Games. Fruit had crazy reflexes and H had a good grasp on what they needed and what they should do. They were a power duo. When H retreated, Fruit advanced. They unlocked doors with their rusty keys and sped through the tunnels. With Fruit by his side, H felt safer. And with H by his side, Fruit knew he wasn't alone.

"Time one-twenty, sand zero," Ren reported.

"I'm coming back!" H called out.

"Should we carry on, or should we come back? Because I'm quite far," False said.

"Come back!" was H's firm reply. "We don't need any unnecessary risks. We're good."

"Okay, I'll come back. Are we done then, basically?"

"Yup, me and Fruit are looking at something real quick. Is there anything else there, Fruit?"

Fruit was busy climbing down a ladder. "Uh, there's a rusty door." Footsteps sounded and H emerged from around the corner. "Give me the key and go back, I guess?"

"I'll go," H said, and hurried towards the rusty door.

"There's a red vault, but we haven't got enough sand," came False's voice.

"I got one more sand," H reported. "I'll keep on looking up here."

Fruit rummaged in his inventory and abruptly realized he still had another vault key. "Wait, H, do you know where the blue door is?"

"No idea. I haven't seen any vaults. How much time?"

"Ninety, sand three," Ren immediately replied.

"Ninety, sand three," H repeated to himself, then did a quick calculation. "Okay, so a full two minutes."

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