20. The End is Where We Begin

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A/N: The Hole in the Wall glitch is a thing in this fic. Yes, it breaks the rules of physics, but so does about everything else. Fun how I'm writing this after the MCC 14 fiasco. (I firmly believe H did NOT do anything wrong, anyone would've used the glitch.)

I kinda wanted to make Cub go to False during the break, because he actually raided False in MCC 9 at that exact time. But then I realize if raiders could speak to participants, there would be a bunch of non-participants wandering around in the lobby, and that's not good. So they're just gonna text lmao :( Sadge, but Cub will get to join the next Championship ;D


I'm an alien

'Cause I'm not of this world

I have a name

but I've been changed, and now I can't stay the same


Parkour Warrior was the third game chosen for the 9th Championship, and the hermits were understandably nervous. "Here we go," Ren determinedly repeated to himself as he leapt between platforms.

Ren was already struggling with the first few orange levels while his teammates rushed forward. H and Fruit started pointing out the differences and how much more difficult it was compared to the practice course. Ren could see people zooming past him, and he clicked his tongue in frustration.

H's voice comfortingly came through the intercom. "Ren, if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask us. We're here to help you. Same thing for False, same thing for Fruit." H had probably realized the hermits were quieter than usual because they were too focused to speak.

"Yep," came False's voice. She sounded a little strained. "Just concentrating."

"I'm doing okay," Fruit said. "I think I'm in second. Yeah, I'm a hundred percent in second place."

"Sweet!" Ren replied automatically.

"It's me and someone from the yellow team. Oh no, they changed this ladder— what is this?!" Fruit exploded, partly horrified, partly fascinated.

False chuckled. "I knew they would change quite a lot."

"You need speed for this," Fruit mumbled to himself as he presumably tried the level again. "Ooooh my God that was hard," he choked out. "Okay. Well, I did it."

"I'm on the panes," False told everyone. "Let's take it easy."

Ren was approaching the green section with the "windows jump". There were windows in the wall, but to add to the difficulty, trap doors were placed inside the windows, making them even smaller. Ren vaguely remembered H and Fruit talking about the new changes some minutes earlier, but it was only now that he could see it for himself.

Fruit spoke up. "They changed the uh— Ren, you know that rail section that you struggled with before?"


Fruit was laughing. "They changed it completely."

"Ohh, nice." Ren was somewhat relieved, but two things: he wasn't sure if he could even get there, and heck, what if they made that level even more difficult?

"I'm in first place, I think," Fruit notified the team nonchalantly. It wasn't a flex, or encouragement, or pressure. It was just a statement.

"We're in first," H said, referring to the team leaderboard. "All of us."

(Ren thought about how he was still stuck on the same section for two minutes now, and everyone else was in front of him.)

"Nice," False panted. "Keep it going."

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