16. The Target

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 A/N: I debated whether to name this chapter Target, considering the game Targét is mentioned. But then I remembered this fic is literally called BATtle Scars, so I might as well insert another bad and cheesy pun :D

(Honestly, the plot is held together by nothing but obscure references and puns/jokes hahah.)


"Thanks for having me over, Cub."

"Thank you for coming here to play."

False was currently at Cub's place with its unnaturally tall ceilings, each room lovingly decorated with expensive materials (seriously, where did Cub get those? How could he afford them?). False had walked past statues, several large murals, and chorus flowers growing behind a glass wall. Even though Cub's home was unbelievably lavish (his floors were made out of intricate patterns of glazed terracotta just because he could), it still had the warmth associated with every hermit. In Cub's living room were spaceship models, little trinkets he had collected over the years, and thick albums of photographs. On his table were neatly labeled files of redstone and building ideas. And of course at least five drones sitting in a corner. Normal Cubfan stuff.

But Cub had decided to have some fun and created his Targét minigames. False glanced at the black banner that hung above the door. "Targét" was written in fancy calligraphy font, with the smaller words "a shot above the rest" underneath it.

Cub had intended for his minigame section to be a place where hermits could chill and test their skills, but now it had another purpose— to help the hermits practice for the Championship.

("Thought I'll give it a shot at having two people play this," Cub had said when he invited False. False chuckled. "That was a pun, wasn't it?")

"This place looks fantastic, dude," False complimented Cub when they walked into the "Open Sesame" part of Targét. There were two "chambers", one with a red colour scheme, the other with blue. In front of the chambers, two targets hung on the walls, redstone lamps above them. There were also two airguns and a box of BB pellets on the floor.

"So, this is Open Sesame," False mused, stretching her fingers in preparation. She hadn't really touched a gun after the 8th Championship, so she was excited for the opportunity.

"Or rather Open "Seasme"," Cub quipped humorously, gesturing to a sign with an unfortunate misspelling. "Everyone keeps on roasting me about it."

False nodded, going along with it (the hermits were quick to accept any misspellings and have fun with it, like Scar's Aque Town). "Open Seasme. That's what it is," she chimed in.

"Anyways, back to the game." Cub walked around the room. "Basically I press this button to start the game, and then we go in." He gestured to the red and blue chambers. "You start to shoot at the target while standing on the pressure plate. When you hit the target, the door behind you opens up, you move on to the next stage, and shoot at the same target from the new position. Whoever reaches the end first wins!"

"Sweet!" False peered at the blue chamber next to her, and she wrinkled her nose. "You're gonna reset this, right? The doors are all open."

"Oh right, whoops." Cub quickly hurried around to flick a few levers. The familiar sounds of piston extending filled the room. "Had a test round before you came over."

False shrugged. "Good thing I noticed!"

"Your mind's sharp today. I'm starting to feel a little scared. Are you ready for this?"

BATTLE SCARS | mcc9 blue bats | minecraft championshipTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang