9. Of Simps and Stans

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This is an anthem for the homesick

for the beaten

The lost, the broke, the defeated


It was time for the 7th Championship. The hermit team, which consisted of Grian, False, Ren and Pearl, were all a bit more busy now, considering they were all entering competitions and building up their portfolios. So they decided to chill for a bit and focus less on practicing. Last time, the hermits tried too hard and they pushed themselves to the limits. False sighed and rubbed her arms subconsciously. Getting 9th place was a bit of a downer, and she hoped they wouldn't get it again—

"Hi. What's up?"

False jolted at the sudden greeting. She turned to Ren, who was next to her. "Not a lot?" she replied, and they both laughed. "Totally haven't just gotten here or anything," she quipped.

False wandered away for a little while, exploring the arena while waiting for the event to start. She found Ren sitting on his favourite pink pool floatie with Grian next to him, evidently chatting. She went over to them, and once she was in earshot—

"Falsie and I and Cub have come 6th, 7th, and 8th," Ren informed Grian, and False blinked, shocked by her name being mentioned. She laughed at herself, a little embarrassed, and sat down on the floatie next to Ren. "So we just wanna come fifth," Ren added.

"Wait. In that order?" Grian asked. There was an aqua ribbon on his head, fitting for their team.

Ren shifted, making squeaky sounds on the floatie. "The order was 7th, 6th, 8th."

"No, we got 9th last time!" False butted in. Ren mockingly glared at her. "Oh shh! I'm trying to forget."

"Arguably, you're getting slightly worse," Grian pointed out the obvious, and False winced.

"Yeah, we're on a downward trend at the moment," Ren admitted with a sheepish smile.

False nudged Ren in the ribs. "Ohh, that's so we can have a big comeback," she casually stated like it was a fact.

Grian nodded. "Yeah, yeah! The comeback of the century! By the way, where is PearlescentMoon?"

"I'm right here!"

Pearl hurried over, beige hair flying behind her. She had an aqua armband, and False looked at her own clothes, starting to feel a little out of place that she wasn't wearing anything aqua. Well, at least she wasn't wearing Ren's outfit.

"Pearl, welcome to Team Hermitcraft!" Ren clapped Pearl on the back. "We're delighted to have you."

"Thank you! 3-GH Solidarity!" Pearl grinned at them.

"Dang it! You guys have aqua stuff! You got the aqua bandana, you got the headband going." Ren gestured at Pearl and Grian, then huffed. "I'm feeling left out here, man!"

Grian fixed the aqua ribbon on his head. "This was very last minute, I admit."

"Wait. Why are you red?" Pearl pointedly stared at Ren, and wrinkled her nose. Grian and False followed Pearl's gaze. Ren was wearing his bright red and white wrestling suit. "Are you on a different team, Ren?"

"You really don't look like you're part of our team," Grian joined in the mocking with a giggle.

"We'll just pretend that it's aqua, okay? My heart is aqua, dudes!" Ren protested, crossing his arms in front of his chest defensively.

The Championship seemed to be running a little late today, but the Aqua Axolotls were patient since they knew how much effort Noxcrew and Scott put in. Speaking of Scott, apparently Dang was the one who gave Grian the cyan headband last time, and Grian just... dyed it aqua. False resisted the urge to facepalm.

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