13. Trial and Error

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We can be heroes for ever and ever-

What d'you say?


The Yellow Yaks entered the Decision Dome, eager to gain back their coins after Battle Box. Before they voted for the fourth game, they were randomly given a power up and hence they decided to dunk Purple Pandas. The Yaks didn't have much of a reason; it was just funny. The Purple Pandas, in their cute onesies, exaggeratedly complained about not having a chance to vote.

"Why? Why??" Fundy whined. "What did we dooo?"

Cub merely smirked. "Hah! Get dunked on!"

"I HATE IT HERE!" Krinios gasped, mock offended. "I HATE HERMITCRAFT!"

"WE SUCK WHYYY?" Kara squealed, waving her fists in the air.

"CUBFAN NO I WAS A FAN!" Fundy cried out, eyes dramatically large and watery. "I killed you in Battle Box but I was a fan!"

"RUDE!" False yelled back, but she could tell neither side was genuinely upset. In fact, Kara was clutching her sides and laughing.

"HERMITCRAFT YUCKY!" Fundy pouted, looking like a miserable four-year-old. "I liked you guys!"

"Awww, look at them," Ren chuckled. He made heart signs with his hands to show Purple they meant no ill will.

Ace Race ended up being chosen, which the Yaks weren't particularly good at but enjoyed because it was quick paced and fun. In fact, they agreed it was one of the funnest, if not the funnest game in the entire Championship.

"I haven't played this before," Cub remarked as the Yaks walked over to the Ace Race course.

"You'll love it, dude!" Ren reassured him. Both Pearl and False nodded.

"Your first time will probably suck," Cub read out loud from the signs that displayed the Ace Race instructions. "Uh oh! I'm in trouble!" he chuckled nervously. "Gonna drag you guys down."

Ren patted Cub's shoulder. "Hey Cub, even if you do badly, it doesn't matter. It's just super fun."

"Yeah, yeah." False nodded.

Upon hearing what his teammates said, Cub looked relieved and even excited to try out the Ace Race course. After their loss in Battle Box, it was time for them to chill and enjoy themselves.

Ace Race began with a bang and all participants immediately took off, making sure to go on conveyor belts that sped them up. The players were launched up and landed on inflatable trampolines to cushion their fall.

"For a brief moment, I was first!" Ren felt the need to tell everyone just as False dashed ahead of him.

"Well, now you've got some competition!" False cheered, blonde hair flying behind her.

"Ohh geez!" Ren mocked pouted. "Save your breath."

It was nice to be able to banter with friends. The thing about Ace Race was that it was fast and engaging, giving the players an unparalleled adrenaline rush. Ren happily went down a zip line as participants around him screamed and cursed.

Ren was still in awe of the beauty of the Championships despite it being his fifth time participating. Everything was so meticulous and well-organized. Even though he knew he wouldn't get a high rank, he still enjoyed being in the Championship. And he knew his friends did as well, or else they wouldn't be joining again and again.

"Rendog, you need to move," came a voice from behind, jolting Ren out of his pleasant thoughts. It was Burren from Pink Parrots. "You're old, and you're in my way."

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