11. Hope is Strong

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A/N: This chapter will mention real events that happened on hermittwt on the 7th of February. It was hermittwt's selfie day, but 404twt (George's fanbase) suddenly decided to move it to the 7th, and hermittwt was upset because the one thing they had was "overshadowed". Things escalated, but eventually, hermittwt decided to be wholesome and supportive instead, choosing to trend #hermittwtsupport and loudly declare their love for Hermitcraft and its fandom. Joehills himself even participated in the selfie day.


I've been so good, I've been helpful and friendly

I've been so good, why am I feeling empty?

I've been so good, I've been so good this year.


Weeks before the 8th Championship, the entire school was already in a frenzy. Ever since a few Championships ago, certain rumours had circulated around the school, but nobody thought they would actually come true. And once the news was revealed, it spread around the school like wildfire, and even the elusive hermits knew about it less than an hour later.

The best students of the school, Technoblade and Dream, were finally teaming up.

Well technically, Michael and Burren were teaming up with Technoblade and Dream, but due to Techno and Dream's massive clout, the other two were overlooked and ignored. Which was kinda sad, because they were also part of the four-person team.

Hence the 8th Championship was hyped up like it had never been before, and the excitement had spread beyond the school. Noxcrew, Scott, and even Stan Twitt were stupefied by the attention given to Team Pink Parrots (most people only cared about Dreamnoblade, but it didn't feel right to exclude literally half of the freakin' team). People were talking about the legendary rivals teaming up, with whispers of Techno desperately trying to win following his loss in the 7th Championship. Would Techno get his revenge with help from Burren and Micheal? (Also Dream.)

"They're totally gonna win," Cub said when he talked about it with the hermits. He would be joining the 8th Championship along with the regulars False and Ren, plus Pearl from 3-G. They would be in team Yellow Yaks.

"Yeah, Reddit's placing them first." Rem sighed. "Oh well. Two of the top PvPers from 3-A, and they're both members of the student council? So skilled that they're well known beyond our school? And the two other teammates aren't bad either. Isn't this line up kinda unfair?"

"Like this school has ever been fair to anyone," False retorted. "Well, I suppose this Championship will be a fan favourite. Until the hermits win, of course," she stated it like it was a fact.

"Yup, yup, we'll win one day." Cub and Ren chimed in unison.

After Fruit's Hermitcraft tour, Fruit had offered to train the hermits, and by extension, their team. So that was why the three hermits made their way to the main campus one afternoon to meet up with Pearl and Fruit. But when they reached the ugly cobblestone box, there was quite the commotion going on. The hermits frowned and decided to approach it cautiously. After all, they tended to stay away from drama (because it just wasn't worth it).

To the hermits' surprise, Herman Blur was stuck in the chaos, looking extremely distressed. He wrapped his fake angel wings around himself protectively, the flower crown on his head lopsided. Around Herman were a crowd of first and second years, raising signs, protesting something. Opposite of Herman's gang were a massive hoard of fans, screeching and laughing, holding up photos of popular 3-A students.

"Wait, Herman Blur's in trouble?" False wondered out loud. "He tends to avoid discourse. What's happening?"

"Herman!" Ren called out, jumping up and down to get Herman's attention. "What's up my dude?"

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