| 28 | No Portal?

238 21 10

words: 2299
date published: 5/16/2023

- not proof-read -

"Morning, sleepy-heads! You might wanna move before Luz catches you like this. You'd never hear the end of it, you know."

You reluctantly forced your eyes open. "Morning already?" you muttered before fully realizing your situation. You shook Hunter awake, startling him and causing him to fall off the couch the two of you had fallen asleep on after returning from the woods.

"Thanks, Willow," you said with a yawn as Scraps got up from your lap and stretched. "What would we do without you?" You stood up and trudged toward the bathroom, Scraps following. 

You pushed the door open and closed it softly behind you before splashing your face with water in an attempt to wake yourself up. No toothbrushes here...

You opened the door again and went to the kitchen where Camila was talking to Willow and Hunter.

"Apple... blood? Are you sure it's not apple juice?"

"Apple juice..?" Willow asked.

"Oh, right! Apple juice is a drink in the human realm that also comes from something called apples." You turned to Camila. "You can get apple blood from the apple butcher!" She looked confused. "You... have an apple butcher here, right?"

"Um... What do you normally eat for breakfast?" she responded.

"Nothing," Hunter responded.

"Sometimes I'll have griffin eggs. We always had them at the owl house because that's what Luz always ate," you added.

"Sometimes I'll have griffin eggs, too. I normally try to have some sort of protein, but if I don't have time, I settle for Jagged Flakes," Willow said.

"Jagged Flakes..." Camila muttered before perking up and reaching into a cupboard. "Like this?"

"Almost!" Willow exclaimed. "It just needs more teeth!"

"Teeth?" Camila shuddered.

She urged you all to just try the box labeled "Frosted Flakes" anyway. It was surprisingly very similar. It wasn't long before the rest came down to join you.

"What are we gonna do once we're all finished?" you asked through a mouthful of one of your last bites of cereal.

"We need to work on the portal," Luz said.

"Yeah, but how are we supposed to do that? We don't have a door and even if we make one, we still need a key," Amity explained.

"And the key needs Titan's blood," you muttered. "I really doubt there's anything like that here."

"But we can't give up!" Luz exclaimed.

"And we won't," Willow said reassuringly. "If we work together, we can do it. I know it!"

"Yeah, and if Belos made it there in the first place, that means it has to be possible," Gus pointed out.

"So... what should we do?" Hunter asked.

"We should try to find out as much as we can about Belos," Gus answered. "Back from when he was Philip."

"If we do our best to think about it from his perspective, it should help, I think... We'd have to take into account how long ago it was and where he lived..." you began to ramble. Oh, Titan. This is going to be difficult.

"Actually," Luz began. "I think he lived right here in Gravesfield."

"Really? Well, that's convenient," Amity said.

(HIATUS) Prodigies Against the Throne // Hunter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now