| 27 | If Only We Had Never Met

211 17 19

words: 1767
date published: 5/16/2023

- not proof-read -

"Alright... here goes nothing," you muttered to yourself as you sat perched high up in one of the many trees near the Noceda household. You pressed the button on your scroll, hoping it would actually work. The screen lit up and you opened your notes. Okay... You pressed the record icon.

"Okay... let's start from the beginning." You took a deep breath, preparing to finally let it all out.

"When I was little, I wanted to succeed. I achieved that, too. Time and time again. I mean, I graduated from Hexside years before most students did! I should still be in school now!

"Once I graduated, I didn't do much... I was the textbook definition of a burnt-out gifted kid. I didn't have a job. I didn't join a coven. I felt like after all I had accomplished, I failed to put it to good use. Of course, all I was doing was waiting for the day I could put my dream into motion.

"When I was little, I wanted to succeed. As I grew older, I wanted more than that. I wanted to be great. I wanted to be respected. I wanted my talent to be recognized. I wanted to mean something. Something incredible. Of course, I looked to the Emperor's Coven for that.

"Where else would I achieve such status, after all? They're considered the best coven in all of the Isles. Their members are the strongest and smartest witches in the land and everyone knows it.

"But I couldn't join until I was older. There was an age requirement for tryouts, and I wasn't there yet... So all I could do was wait. It was miserable. Every day I felt like a failure or a waste of space. I considered getting a job, but my parents told me that if I did that, I might never be able to join the Emperor's Coven. They wanted it for me just as bad as I did... Of course, that didn't mean that they made living there any easier. I still felt like a waste.

"But one day, there was a knock on the door. A scout from the Emperor's Coven was there. Emperor Belos wanted me to join his coven. I was ecstatic. My power was finally acknowledged in a far better way than I could have ever realistically dreamed for.

"I began training immediately and it wasn't even a challenge. I had found my power was so great that I could beat fully trained guards with ease. I met the Golden Guard there, too. He hated me. He was a jerk, so of course I wasn't too fond of him either... at first.

"Eventually... We grew close. I didn't know how it happened at first, but we went from being at each other's throats to never wanting to leave each other's side. It was all thanks to Emperor Belos. That awful man who tried to wipe us all out saved me, as ironic as that is. I found true happiness.

"But, he also made things difficult. Hunter should have never forgiven me after what I did... but he did, and I am so grateful for that... But my actions just got worse and worse, and...

"What I've done is unforgivable. I don't deserve them. I don't deserve any of them.

"It was great. It really was a good run while it lasted...

"But all good things come to an end. It seems like the better something is, the worse it ends. I wish I never joined the Emperor's Coven. Maybe if I would have stayed away, none of this would have happened."

You hesitated for a moment before ending the recording. "In the end, I couldn't even bring myself to let it all out to my scroll..." You leaned back against the tree, ignoring the wetness that was soaking through your shirt. "What now, Scraps?" you muttered, prompting your palisman to nuzzle you affectionately. "Where do I go from here?" A yawn escaped your lips, causing you to laugh painfully. "Right, I need rest. It was stupid of me to try to run away so soon. I should rest..." You closed your eyes, hoping that you would be able to fall asleep there. "Goodnight, Scraps."

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