| 4 | LIVE: Teen Fights Several Adults as Ordered by Lord Emperor Belos Almighty

984 45 55

Words: 2053
Date published: 10.21.22

- not proof-read -

A full crowd filled the stands. Everyone was waiting to see who the next bigshots were. By the sounds of it, winners were determined by a written exam and by performance in battle. Your first battle wasn't until the end of round one, which meant lots of watching and waiting, but that was good. It made it easier to scope out the competition.

There were some pretty skilled fighters by the looks of it, but most seemed like they would be easy to win against. You had decided to keep a close eye on a particular competitor. She was a very tall and muscular woman and at first glance it seemed she relied on brute strength, but it was clear that wasn't entirely the case.

She was conserving energy by balancing magic with actual hand-to-hand combat and had a decent technique, too. She seemed strong in both methods, plus she was just scary in general. She seemed like she'd make it to the finals.

As you watched the round before you were to prepare for your own match, a flash of gold caught your eye and you spotted Golden Guard down at the front of the stands with a front-row view. Great... more pressure.

You sighed and made your way down the steps and to the spot designated for the next competitors to wait.

There was one match before yours, so now all you had to do was wait. There was a tall, slender girl with long, white hair, tan skin and piercing blue eyes put up against a slightly shorter boy of similar build with black hair that shadowed his eyes from view. The boy seemed almost full of rage while the girl had a calm and indifferent aura.

The boy was attacking relentlessly, giving the girl no time to counter-attack, but while he did so, he was visibly wearing himself out. One singular opening was all it took for the girl to hit him so hard he was forced out of bounds.

As they cleared the field, the announcer introduced the next competitors.

"For the next and final match of round one we have... Emil, a 22-year-old boy from a small village all the way at the top of the knee with big dreams guiding him... versus... Y/N, a 16-year-old girl from right here in Bonesborough who aims to reach the top!"

16... that was the youngest so far. You would be seen as the underdog, you quickly realized. You were going to take advantage of that.

There were 3 consecutive beeps, counting down until the match started. As soon as it did, an ice spike grew right at your feet, almost piercing you, but you dodged it. You ran across the field, causing him to create something similar to an ice wall between the two of you. They said he was from the top of the knee, which was the highest point in the entire Boiling Isles, which would explain why he opens with a powerful ice move... But that also gives away the thing he's most vulnerable to...

You propelled yourself over the ice wall, instantly casting a spell that surrounded him in a small ring of fire. The flames lapped at the sky and you could already see the heat getting to him. You opened the back of the ring, lining a path straight out of bounds with flames.

You watched intently, seeing how long it would take for the poor boy to buckle under the pressure of the flames and walk out. You were about to give up and switch tactics, but the boy had dropped to the ground and you were declared winner. He had fainted from heat exhaustion.

/// /// ///

Round three... the competition honestly didn't seem to change much. This time, you were put against a person that was taken down insanely easily - all you had to do was cast a levitation spell with how small they were. You sort of felt bad using their size to your advantage, but oh well.

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