| 21 | If this was split into seasons, this would be the Season 1 Finale Part 2

383 36 13

words: 1915

- no, i can't really say I proof-read this one -

"Hunter!" you gasped. After running through a good portion of the woods, almost falling a couple of times, and having your cloak get snagged and ripped off of you, you finally caught up with the fleeing boy. "Hunter, stop."

He stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around. "Go away," he spat, voice trembling. You knew he was only acting angry to try to scare you away.

"Why would I do that?" you challenged, taking a step forward.

"You saw what happened in there. You saw what Belos did and you know I helped him my entire life!" Hunter turned away from you, hugging himself and hunching forward.

"So what? That means that I should just toss you aside and never speak to you again?" you shot back as you threw your arms down in frustration.

"Yes! You should hate me!" Hunter fell to his knees, hugging his sides tighter. You gazed at his shaking frame for a moment before kneeling down and you placed a hand on his shoulder slowly in an attempt to comfort him in a way you knew words couldn't. He flinched at the touch but relaxed quickly. "You should hate me," he repeated again, this time in a much quieter tone.

"If I should hate you... then why didn't you hate me?" Your voice assumed a softer, more comforting tone. "You warmed up to me pretty quickly after we saw each other again. I didn't expect you to warm up to me at all."

"I tried to hate you... I tried so hard, but I just couldn't do it."

"Exactly," you said, causing him to look up at you. You held out a hand to help him up. He wiped his eyes before taking it. "Now... we need a place to hide. Somewhere up high might be good. If we go to the knee, we could see people approaching for miles," you suggested. "The height would give us an advantage."

"But once they search Bonesborough, Latissa, and any other nearby towns the knee would probably be where they would check next," Hunter pointed out. "All the refugees go there."

"Okay... what sort of place do you suggest?" you prompted, formulating a plan.

"Somewhere far away from people so no one could report us that isn't a very well-known place... The ideal place would be somewhere Belos doesn't know about... but that's impossible to achieve."

"Somewhere far away from people that isn't a well-known spot? Anything else?"

"It also should be a very open area so that we can see people coming, or an area very easy to escape unnoticed."

"Alright... I know where we should go."


"Hexside!" you said while making a faint jazz-handy motion.

"But that completely contradicts everything I just said!" Hunter argued, seeming a bit alarmed.

"Exactly... Why would Belos expect someone like you to hide in such a seemingly terrible place?" you said with a triumphant smirk. Belos would never expect him to hide in a place like that.


"If we're at Hexside... even if people see you, you're likely to be mistaken as a student out of uniform."

"What about you? You used to go there. Staff would recognize you," Hunter pointed out.

"Not to brag, but I was the top student in every class I took... Teachers still love me. They'd let it slide..." Hunter seemed worried about how confident you appeared.  "Besides, I can just say I'm visiting if not," you hastily added.

(HIATUS) Prodigies Against the Throne // Hunter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now