| 24 | The Title I Wanted Was Too Long and Wattpad Didn't Allow It

399 27 9

words: 1628

- not proof-read -

Hunter's POV

I woke up to Flapjack pulling on my hair. Looking to my left, I realized that Y/N wasn't there. She could've gone to use the restroom or get more food or something, but I didn't think that was it. I didn't know how to explain it, but something felt very wrong.

"Flapjack..." I began. "What's wrong?" He had to have woken me up for a reason. "What do you mean Y/N's missing? Is Scraps still here?" As if on cue, the strange palisman bounded up to me, whimpering and nervously kneading the blanket. I felt the area where Y/N had been resting. It was cold, meaning she had been gone for a while before I awoke. My hand brushed over something that was under the blankets, and I pulled them back, revealing her scroll.

"Oh, no..." I whispered under my breath as realization dawned on me. If she didn't tell me she was leaving, she left her scroll and she still isn't back... something bad must have happened.

If Y/N got chased, she would have most likely visited the owl house, but I didn't want to go out if I didn't have to. "Come on, you two. Let's look for Y/N."

Flapjack chirped frantically at me, telling me that school was already in session. That means that she isn't in the school, I take it... Just to be sure, I picked up my own scroll and tried to contact my flyer derby team. I asked them if they had seen Y/N anywhere or heard anything about her being at Hexside, but no one had. This isn't good... What do I do?

I took a deep breath as I rose to my feet. I stuffed a couple of bags of Hex Mix into my bag just in case something went wrong and I couldn't return here. I bent down and picked Scraps up, letting him rest on my shoulder, and grabbed Y/N's scroll, placing that in my bag as well.

"Alright," I said, mentally preparing myself. "Flapjack, let's go find her."

/// /// ///

I kept my hood on as I flew high above the rooftops. I guess I hoped staying high enough would help me not get caught. As I scanned the streets of Bonesborough, I noticed that there were wanted posters scattered all over various walls, each of them about a resident of the owl house. That's not good...

I slowed down a bit as I approached the owl house, eyeing a wagon full of boxes being driven by coven scouts. Wait... Is that Y/N's hat in those boxes?

I shook it off and landed right in front of the house. The door was already open and the inside was dark, but it seemed as if everything was taken from it. I cautiously approached the door, freezing when I heard voices.

"Do you think they were arrested?" That's the little rat, right?

There was a familiar sound that I couldn't quite place and the room was illuminated by a dull glow. I slowly peeked into the room and realized that the human, her little dog, and the bird tube were there.

"No," Luz began as she held up a piece of paper. "They're hiding out on the knee!" Exactly where all the refugees go... You're not very original, huh, Owl Lady?

But why aren't these guys with them..?

I gasped and ducked away as the two began to turn around, trying my best to stay silent and hoping they wouldn't look behind them as they left.

I only allowed myself to breathe once they were nearly completely out of sight. "What now, Flapjack?" I asked my bird. "Do you think we should follow them?" Flapjack nodded his little head and transformed. I took off, and headed straight for the knee, hoping that Y/N was taken with them and would be there when I arrived.

(HIATUS) Prodigies Against the Throne // Hunter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now