| 14 | Y/N The Pokemon Trainer

530 29 31

Date published: 2/20/23
Word count: 2728

- somehow even less proof-read than normal so if this sucks whoopsies lol -

"There I stood atop the hill of my own riches, staring down on those that opposed me. Many people came to overthrow me that day. Even my own sisters had come to cause my downfall. It was a struggle, but I was brave and I had the strength of a thousand warriors. I had fought everyone off. Or so I thought... Before I could even turn around, a force slammed into me, shoving me from my hill. I fell to the ground, heart and pride shattered. Who could do such a thing? I had no idea. That is... until I looked up to see my very own little sister coming in for the kill..."

"We were playing Monopoly and Amity beat Ed."

"Emira!" Edric whined. "Don't expose me like that!"

"Sorry... Except I'm actually not sorry and find embarrassing you in front of our friends to be a very rewarding pass-time. Anyways," Em turned towards the kitchen and cupped her mouth to yell. "Mittens, come here!"

In just a few moments, an annoyed-looking Amity walked through the door. "What?" she snapped.

Ed and Em hopped up and stood on either side of her. They began waving their arms around as if she was a cool prize and they were game-show hosts. "And Mittens here," Emira began.

"Is our house-wide champion!" Ed finished.

"Did you guys call me out here just to embarrass me?" Amity growled, pushing them away lightly.

"Maybe," Ed said with a casual shrug.

"Love ya, sis," Em teased with a huge smirk.

Amity stomped off, presumably to rejoin Luz in the kitchen.

"Any idea what they're doing in there?" Em asked, turning back to face you and Ed.

"No, but I saw them carrying baking supplies in there," you explained.

"That's interesting," Ed responded. "Mittens has never been much of a baker."

"Probably because the last time she tried, she burnt it so terribly the smoke detectors went off," Emira snickered. TItan, these two are so cool.

"Hmm, it's getting late," you noted as the sun descended toward the horizon.

"Oh, you're right!" Emira exclaimed.

"Aw, you're not leaving, are you?" Amity asked as she made her way across the room, presumably to use the restroom.

Edric gasped dramatically and clutched your arm. "Don't leave us!"

Without looking at him, you flung him away. "Am I... allowed to stay later?"

"Normally Mom is pretty strict on the matter, but she's not exactly here and I don't think dad will notice if we keep hiding you whenever he shows up," Amity stated before entering the hall.

"Yeah, but when will she be back?" You were worried that if she knew of your whereabouts she would likely report it to the Emperor.

"Sometime tomorrow morning. Just get out of here before sunrise and you're set," Emira said.

"Seems easy enough," you agreed. However, your anxiety rose once again when Alador unexpectedly entered the room. His eyes landed on you. "Who are you?"

"Um... Y/N L/N, sir."

He squinted. "Aren't you the Emperor's Coven's runaway guard?"

"Umm... maybe?"

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