| 12 | And Now Back To The Silly Titles :D

523 31 24

Words: 2550
Date published: 1/28/23

- not proof-read -

Eda's POV

Hooty burst through my window, shattering it. Every FUCKING time. "What, Hooty?"

"Hoot! A visitor is here!"

I groaned. "Okay, be there in a minute."

I crawled out of bed and downstairs. I opened the door to see Y/N standing there with a solemn expression, magic shielding her from the rain. "I'm here," she said, her voice cracking as she threw her arms out in an awkward shrug. The poor kid was barely holding it together.

"Come on in, Kid," I said, stepping aside and letting her in. "I'll get you situated. For now, I'd like you to stay in the living room so we can make sure you aren't spying on us. Once I can be sure you aren't a threat, we'll get you a room."

"Thanks, Eda."

"No problem, Kid. Luz is upstairs sleeping. The kid needs her rest, though. You can see her in the morning."

I pulled out a spare pillow and blanket for her and set them out on the couch. "Here... The bathroom is down the hall. My room is upstairs. I'll send King to stay out here with you, kay?"

She nodded and got herself situated on the couch and I went off to fetch King.

/// /// ///

Narrator's POV

At some point, King had passed out, and it was just you awake. You checked your scroll. Steve still hadn't updated.

The doorknob jiggled and it startled you. You jumped up and assumed a fighting stance, prepared to attack any intruder. The door slowly swung open and you relaxed. It was just Luz. I thought Eda said she was asleep...

She gasped softly when she saw you and ran up to you. "You're here!" she whispered. She must have snuck out.


"Does anyone know you're gone?"

"Only a trusted friend named Steve who helped me escape and Golden Guard whenever he finishes his mission..."

"Oh, Hunter?" Luz asked, making you wonder how she knew his name. You nodded. "I'm surprised you'd tell him."

"Why?" you questioned dubiously.

"Well, he seems like a bit of a jerk."

"He's not a jerk," you instantly said. "He's... just hard to understand."

Luz sat down on the couch and you sat next to her. "Were you guys close?"

You were silent for a moment. "He was the hardest part of me leaving," you finally answered, your voice wavering.

"Oh," Luz said softly.

"How did you... How did you figure out his name was Hunter?"

"He told me," Luz said simply.


"I ran into him tonight on his mission."

"Really? What happened?"

"He tried to take some palisman I was with to the emperor, but Kikimora thwarted his plan and tried to kill him."

"Kill him?!" you shrieked before clamping your hand over your mouth.

(HIATUS) Prodigies Against the Throne // Hunter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now