| 22 | The Episode Before Labyrinth Runners

389 30 61

words: 2788

- not proof read AT ALL + small A/N at the end -

When you had woken up, Hunter was still asleep, his head resting on your chest and a single strand of hair getting pushed back and forth lightly by his breath. It wasn't long before he began to stir.

"Mornin' Goldilocks."

"I'm not Goldilocks," he muttered, though it was barely comprehensible through his drowsiness.

"Yeah, and this isn't a fanfiction," you retorted playfully.

"A what?" Hunter said as he lifted his head finally.


"You just said-"

"I didn't say anything."

"Right," Hunter said sarcastically, though he seemed to give up. "So... what time is it? Is school out yet?"

"Unfortunately, we didn't sleep very long, so there's still another hour or so."

"Oh, I see... So... how should we pass the time?" Hunter asked.

"However you'd like," you responded.

"I'm not... sure of what to do..." Hunter admitted.

"Okay... Then we should be productive. We should come up with an escape plan for each realistically probable situation."

"Yeah, good idea... The most probable situation if they want to capture us is a full-blown raid on the school... But how much would the situation change if it were after hours?"

"Well," you began. "I know that certain doors are completely closed off. I could easily unlock them, but it would slow us down... honestly, our best bet would probably be slipping through the window up there," you said, pulling the curtain back to point at a window close to the ceiling. It wouldn't be difficult to reach it with palisman, but sneaking out could be difficult."

"Couldn't we just go invisible? It would be a bit of a risk depending on the skill set of any guards who happen to be nearby... If they're too good with illusion magic, they might see through it."

"Then we'll just have to be better," you responded.

/// /// ///

"Wait... that bird tube does what with its skin?" Hunter said, making a face.

"Trust me, you never wanna see Hooty when his skin is drying."

"But why does he even do that in the first place?!"

"Fuck if I know! Hooty's a mystery that not even the Titan would be able to solve."

"So... weird..." Hunter shuddered.

Your scroll dinged and you glanced at the screen before turning back to face Hunter. "Anyway-" You were interrupted by another ding.

"What's that?" Hunter asked.

"Luz has been trying to contact me this whole time. I've told her we're safe but she wants to know where we are... but I'm worried she might try something if she knows we're here."

"You should tell her that..."

"Yeah, but there's... something else."

"Right. That you knew Philip was Belos..."

Your eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know?"

"I... heard everything," Hunter admitted. "Including something even stranger..." His gaze met yours. He looked so confused and so scared. It hurt you to see him like this. "He was so ready to get rid of me... but why did he go out of his way to protect you? He said something about how you couldn't die... Y/N, what did he mean?"

(HIATUS) Prodigies Against the Throne // Hunter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now