| 15 | The Ballad of the Broken

615 42 18

Date published: 2/21/2023
Words: 4113

- not proof-read also don't worry lmao I know the title sounds bad but this one actually isn't -

"Go, Luz!" you cheered, watching your friend dive down toward the water, pulling up just in time to not be submerged. She was approaching you fast, which was your signal to start leading the way. She copied your every move as you expertly weaved between towers of stone that protruded from the boiling waves.

"Wait!" King shouted. "I think I'm gonna-" That was all he could get out before disaster struck, sending you back to the owl house to clean up.

Luz raised ahead of you, holding the bag King had puked in as it swished around and created a disgusting sound.

"In the meantime," King began, holding a flier up to Eda as you entered the room. "This weekend is the Gland Prix!"

"Glandis, Hexside, and St Epiderm students race to win glory, and honor, and-"

"Fame!" King exclaimed, interrupting Luz. "Winners also get an interview with the Boiling Isles news! Do you realize what this means?"

"We're gonna enter the competition and get King on camera to send a message to his dad!" Luz vowed excitedly.

"And I'm helping them train," you added with a hint of pride. You were glad to be helping.

"Oh! That's... great!" Eda responded. Luz and King didn't seem to notice, but her response sounded... off.

If I was the only one who noticed... could it have been what I said?

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about first..." King began. "I think it's time for me to le-"

"Leave the talking for later and train some more!" Eda interrupted hastily. "If you wanna win, there's no time for talk. You've gotta practice." Eda declared confidently, but you weren't convinced. Something is definitely off... Why else would she interrupt King like that?

Luz and King still seemed oblivious as they eagerly raced out the door. "You coming, Y/N?"

You glanced nervously at Eda. "No, I shouldn't. If you wanna win, you have to be able to do it on your own, too."

"Yeah... you have a point," Luz agreed. "Come on, King. Let's go!" The door latched behind them and you turned to Eda.

"Hey, um... are you okay?"

"What? Me? Yeah, I'm fine! Why would anything be wrong?" Eda rambled, proving your worries. You didn't want to push for answers, though. She was doing so much for you so you would feel terrible for prying.

"If you say so..."

You began to walk past her and into the hall, but something on her scroll caught your eye. "Scooter Crane retired?" You said, freezing in place.

"Guess so. He was replaced by Raine Whispers."

"Huh, didn't see that one coming," you admitted. Scooter was in great health and loved his job the last you knew. You didn't think he'd be fired either, but who knows?

"Yeah, well whatever. They lost Scooter and gained a bard with stage fright," Eda said with a snicker.

"Do you... know the new coven head?"

"Woah, would you look at the time!" Eda said, glancing at her wrist.

"But you aren't even wearing your watch-"

"Gotta go! Got lots of stuff to do! Be back later! Byeeee!"

Before you could protest, Eda the Owl Lady had vanished out the door. You sighed. "Yeah, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to do some shopping... I'm getting tired of the same food every day, so maybe I should buy my own..."

(HIATUS) Prodigies Against the Throne // Hunter x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें