| 16 | Lumity Episode Lumity Episode Lumity Episode

467 36 26

Word count: 2332

- not proof-read also I'm preeeetty sure I hated this chapter but I can't remember for sure so if one day when I finally go back and edit the chapters and this one is completely different, don't be surprised lol -

Raine has been outed and captured and they were our best chance of winning against Belos... I could have done more to help if I would have stayed... They wouldn't be able to figure out who I am through my uniform. We wouldn't be so lost right now. Eda wouldn't be working herself to the point of exhaustion so regularly and maybe I would still have a best friend. I should have stayed... Maybe I should-

An airhorn sounded from across the room, finally breaking you from your thoughts.

"Can you please be quiet? You're scaring the echo mouse. If he's not happy, I'll never make my way into Amity's heart! I mean... make a portal back home! Uh, gotta go!"

"Damn, girl," you said more to yourself than Luz. "You've got it so bad for her." Your smirk quickly faded though at the thought of Hunter crossing your mind once more. "Must be nice to have someone to be so close to..."

/// /// ///

"Special delivery for Belos's newest enemy!" Hooty screeched with his ungodly annoying voice.

"Shut up, Hooty- Wait, what is that?" He dropped a ticket into your hand.

"Eh? Ehhh??" You fought off a grin but eventually caved.

"How'd you know I like carnivals so much?"

"Just a hunch!"

"Okay... you're not so bad..."

"Hoot!" The disgusting bird tube wrapped you in a hug.

"I take it back! I still hate you!"

/// /// ///

"I wanna try a new outfit today..."

"Open to suggestions?" Luz asked, popping her head into the room.

"Yeah, sure."

"What if you take this black shirt, these dark jeans, and this belt, then put a long white coat over it..." She began to rummage through the contents of the closet. "Here!" It was a simple yet nice jacket that reached about halfway down your legs.

"Hmm," you hummed, pulling it on. You turned to the mirror. "Not bad..."

"And now... close your eyes..." You did so and felt her place something on your head. "And open!"

"I'm not wearing this."

"Please?" Luz begged.

"It's a beret with cat ears and it makes me look ridiculous."

"Aw, come on!"

"It's not something I could pull off... you, maybe."

"Just this once?" Luz pleaded, dropping to her knees.

"Ugh, fine!"

Luz squealed and wrapped you in a hug. "Yes, yes, display of affection. Can I go now?"


"Don't you dare say it."

"I guess..."

"Don't you dare, Luz."

"If you're-"

"I'm warning you!"

"Feline like it's time to go!"

(HIATUS) Prodigies Against the Throne // Hunter x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now