Robert: If I didn't have to watch the traffic, I would be doing the same. Looking at you is worth more than any landscape.

The rest of the way, whenever possible, they exchanged affectionate gestures, be it a touch on the hand, a soft kiss on the cheek and caresses on the back of the neck. Andy also took the opportunity to ask questions about the little trip they were about to take. Some questions Robert answered, but others he preferred to keep secret. They also took the opportunity to agree that, while they were walking through the airport, they would not walk close together, because even though they were now married, they still hadn't talked to their superiors and didn't want to be discovered. They wanted to do everything right with the department and get the release out together.

When they got on the plane, they sat next to each other. Andy was very tired and so she rested her head on Robert's shoulder.

Robert: You should get some sleep. You look tired.

Andy: I'm really tired. The week was very intense having to prepare for the wedding and work at the same time. Today I woke up very early too. But I don't want to sleep. I want to enjoy every minute of our day.

Robert: Well, here inside the plane, we won't be able to enjoy it. Rest a little. It will do you good.

Andy: Won't you be upset if I sleep?

Robert: Of course not.

Andy then closed her eyes and fell asleep on Robert's shoulder.

When they arrived in Los Angeles, Robert woke her up and they then went to the place Robert had booked. Andy was imagining that they were going to stay in an ordinary hotel, but in fact it was a luxury resort. As soon as Andy opened the door, she was surprised by the spaciousness of the room and all the romantic decor they had prepared, with rose petals, heart-shaped arrangements and a bottle of sparkling wine with two glasses. There was also a large hot tub and a private balcony with a table set up for the couple's dinner. From this balcony it was possible to go straight to the beach. The lights that illuminated the sand on the beach made everything look even more beautiful. The fresh air and the sound of the waves also made the atmosphere even more cozy.

Andy: After all this time with you, I'm still amazed by your expressions of love. I never expected something like this for our honeymoon. This is all so much more beautiful than I could have dreamed. Thank you my love.

Robert: We only have one day, but this day has to be special. I love you too much to let our honeymoon be just another night of our lives.

They kissed very passionately. Both had a lot of desire, but they also wanted to enjoy everything that Robert had prepared for that moment.

Andy: Can we get something to eat? I confess I'm hungry.

Robert: The hotel's restaurant menu is on the app. Let's choose our dinner.

They analyzed the options they had and Robert called the hotel reception asking for the dinner they had chosen. Once it arrived, they ate it calmly.

When they finished dinner, the maid collected the room service and being alone again, Robert turned on the sound and put on the music he had played at the firefighters' ball in New York when they had their first kiss. Robert then took Andy's hand and led her so they could dance. Andy wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Slowly they began to dance, looking into each other's eyes.

Robert: Do you remember that song?

Andy: I'll never forget it. It was with this sound that I felt his kiss for the first time. Even though it was fast and with the feeling that what we were doing was wrong, that moment never left my mind. Every detail of that night was unforgettable.

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