Volume 4 Episode 9:Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

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Location:Isle of Patch
Time of Day:Morning

(Y/N) pov:

I walked up to Summer's grave with a bouquet of roses in hand. I placed them on the grave and lowered my hood.

(Y/N):Hey, summer. It's me, (Y/N). Been a while since we last talked. We all miss you. I haven't heard from Ruby yet but when I do I'll tell you. Oh, I have other news. I'm finally an Uncle. Lapis had a kid a week ago. A little boy named Cobalt. Feels crazy. Yang and me have been training. *sigh* I got to ask you something. Do you think I'm good enough for Ruby. I mean, we've been dating since halfway through our first year of Signal. We have a healthy good relationship and we haven't had any major arguments or issues but, I'm scared. Yesterday, I stopped two thugs from raping a woman. I killed them. I killed them without a shed of regret. I just did it. I've killed so many people. Most of them deserved it but I've killed people who didn't deserve to die. And now, all I can think about is killing the people who attacked Beacon and hurt my friends and family. I'm scared that Ruby will think I've gone psycho. I love her with all of my heart but I sometimes wonder if she's intimidated or afraid of me. I don't know. *sigh* Sorry for wasting your time.

I then looked behind me to see Yang walking.

Yang:Hey, (Y/N). What you doing.

(Y/N):Just talking to Summer.

Yang:That's nice. Tell her I said hi and that I miss and love her.

(Y/N):Summer, Yang says hi and she loves and misses you.

Yang:We got training at Noon. Come on!

(Y/N):Alright! See you, Summer. It was nice talking to you again. I-I miss you. Mom.

I walked towards Yang and the both of us walked back to the house.

Yang:Did you call her "Mom"?

(Y/N):Yeah. Is that wrong?

Yang:heh. No, it's not. I see her as my mom, too.

Location:Xiao Long-Rose Cabin
Time of Day:Afternoon

Yang pov:

Me and (Y/N) were sparring with dad 2 to 1. No matter how much we tried. We couldn't get a it in. He kept on getting hits on it. Even when (Y/N) hid in a shadow and jumped out of it to get a sneak attack in. Dad dodged it completely. I finally managed to get a hit on his right arm causing him to slide back.

Taiyang:Whoa, that thing packs a punch!

Yang:We've been at this for weeks. I get it, you wanna make sure I can still fight. I think I'm doing just fine.

Taiyang:You're close.

He walked around the two of us in circles to check on our progress.

Yang:Oh, really?

Taiyang:You're still off balance.

Yang:What?! No I'm not! Honestly, I'm kind of surprised. I thought it would be just this huge weight, but it feels... natural. They did a great job with this thing.

Dad then tried to get a hit on me. We continued to spar. To finish me off, he swept my leg and I fell to the ground.

Taiyang:I wasn't talking about your actual balance.

He went over to where Zwei and Ceithir were and got a drink of water and wiped his head with a towel.

Taiyang:Although, that could use some work too.

Red Roses:Mistral Saga(Ruby Rose x Reader/OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن