Vol. 4 Episode 7.5:Special Episode 5

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Warning:This chapter deals with sadly true subjects of Corruption, police brutality, Attempted Rape, Mental Issues, and Child Abuse. Reader discretion is advised.

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Evening

(Y/N) pov:

I went into the city to get some exercise in. To make my leg and breathing stronger. After an hour jog. I stopped at a bar. I didn't give two shits that I was too young. I opened the door to see what you would usually see at a bar in the middle of the shady part of the City. I sat down at the bar.

Bartender:Aren't you a little too young?

(Y/N):I'm old enough to know that everything has gone to shit. I know that.

Bartender:Heh. You're alright, boy. Here.

He passed me a few shots of whiskey.


As I drank the shots, I could hear a few fucking drunk thugs harassing a woman.

Thug 1:Hey there, wanna come back to my place and party?

Thug 2:Yeah, we'll treat you real nice. Heh. Heh.

Woman:Leave me alone, creeps!

Thug 2:Don't be like that. Nothing wrong with some partying.

Bartender:Hey! Not in here! Get your asses out of here!

The thugs left the bar while slamming the door.


Bartender:Tell me about it. That shit is common around here.

(Y/N):I know. For most of my life I lived in this part of the City. Lots of fucked up shit goes on.


I looked at my scroll and saw that it was around 8:40 PM.

(Y/N):Welp, I better get going. Here's 30 Lien. Have a nice night.

Bartender:You too. Be careful out there.

I walked out of the bar and saw those thugs again. Those people were perfect for this world. Both fucked up in so many ways. I got this feeling in my head. 'What if all of them deserve to die.' The Rapists and Murders. The corrupt police and politicians that fuck over people. I've had friends from when I was younger get shot down by cops for being Faunus. I had this feeling that I should watch those thugs carefully. So I did. I got up onto a rooftop to scope them out. I watched for awhile to see the woman from before walk down the street. She was then pulled into a back alley by the thugs.

Thug 1:I don't think you got the memo, lady. You don't say no to us.

Thug 2:When we say you party with us. We fucking mean it! But we can have the party now.


I transformed Final Navy 2.0 into its gun mode and fired at one of the thugs knee. I fired the bullet and saw it go through the man's knee clean. I used my semblance by covering my face in shadows so no one could know who I was.
I teleported into a shadow on the ground and appeared in front of them.

(Y/N):Last chance, let the woman go. I'm not asking again. Next bullet goes through your head.

Thug 1:Fuckin brat! You shot my damn leg!

(Y/N):You think I give a fuck?

As the two thugs were distracted on me. The woman thankfully ran away. I manipulated a shadow to drag one of the thugs onto the ground.

Thug 2:You one of those Huntsmen or shit?!

(Y/N):Would a huntsman have no problem killing you right here and right now? I don't think so. So no, I'm no huntsman. And I sure as shit ain't no hero. I'm just someone who fucking hates seeing scumbags like you get away from true justice.

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