Vol. 4 Episode 6:Tipping Point

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Location:Mistral Wilderness
Time of day:Afternoon

Ruby pov:

It was really cloudy, the four of us walked across the mossy stone path. We all looked at the map while we walked.

Nora:Another day, another adventure!

Ruby:What's on the agenda today?


Nora:With a side of...?


Ruby:*sigh*Haven is a lot farther away than I thought.

Ren:Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take?

Ruby:I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home!

Jaune:Right but... how long?

Ruby:Maybe like, uh... two weeks?


Ruby: Okay, fine! Three or something! Look, whatever.

I looked up from the map to see a broken sign.

Ruby:Hey, what's that?

We walked to see a small destroyed post. We then saw an entire city destroyed.

Jaune:That's... strange. I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days.

Nora:Are those buildings... damaged?

Jaune:We should search for survivors!

The four of us ran into the city to see if there was anything survivors.


Nora:Nothing over here!

Jaune:No one over here, either!

Ren:It almost seems like... the town was abandoned.

Nora:Hey, I think I found something!

We went over to Nora to see a sign that read "Oniyuri".

Nora:Oniyuri? Never heard of it.

Jaune:Me neither.

Ren:I have. You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed. Years ago, the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the Kingdom was being run. Frustrated with the council, they pooled their resources together to build their own city, with their own laws. They hoped that one day, it could maybe even become its own Kingdom. Many thought it would be the future. I know my parents did.

Ruby:What happened?

Ren:What always happens.

Jaune:The Grimm.

Ren:Not just any, one.


Jaune:Come on. Let's just get through here. This place gives me the creeps.

Location:Charity Concert
Time of Day:Night

Weiss pov:

I stood on the empty stage in front of hundreds of people. I sang a wordless aria which then changed to words.

Weiss:"I'm not your pet, not another thing you own.
I was not born guilty of your crimes.
Your riches and your influence can't hold me anymore.
I won't be possessed,
burdened by your royal test.
I will not surrender.
This life is mine."

Red Roses:Mistral Saga(Ruby Rose x Reader/OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum