Chapter 18

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Start of a new Era 😈 Y/n and Illumi are both 16 now so its a big timeskip. So yahhh. Okayyy read now nd pls votee🙏

Y/ns pov

*Beep beep beep*

"NoooOoo," I groan in bed. My bed is so warm right now I can't physically get out :( I stop my alarm and get up. It's thr first day of school again. I'm kinda excited though. Ever since 13 hit, my life changed. I started dressing less "baggy" and started being more social. I met a girl named Tracy in middle school and became best friends with her. I got a job at a quick fashion store named 'Platos' with Tracy too. She lives right across the street too. She's all I can ever ask for. She's really nice to my siblings too and plays with them. Anywayys, I got out of bed and went to the restroom to do my normal little makeup and called Tracy. It ringed and she picked up.

"Hii Y/n! Can I come over to your house right now? I wanna pick outfits with you and get ready for today," Tracy said through the phone. Fashion was a big thing to us since we were 13.

"Yess come over right now," I said as I went through all my clothes. "Bring some of your clothes too though. I can't decide on how to dress. Sluty skirt or low-rise flares," I said jokingly ( i wasnt) Tracy laughs through the phone getting all her stuff.

"Yea yea I'll be there in a sec,"she said and hung up. After a few minutes I hear her knock on the door. I run downstairs and open the door for her.

"Come but be quiet my siblings are sleeping still. Their bus don't come till later," I tell Tracy and sneaking upstairs.

"Okayy so let's see. No to the slutty skirt even though it's so cute oh em gee where did you get this," she says admiring the mini skirt with fake Dimond skulls on the back of it.

"Platos. Anyways how about these?" I showed her the low-rise jeans.

"Yes those are great. And put this F/C tank top on," she throws me the tank top. "Yea now put on some silver hoop earrings, a cross necklace, and bring a zip up Hoodie in case some teacher stops us from wearing this. You remember how last year Mrs.Watkins started screaming at us in the middle of the classroom for wearing mini skirts," Tracy started laughing uncontrollably and slapping my back.

"Don't even remind me. Swear if I see her ass again I'm turning the other direction," I told her and she nodded.

"Okayy now help me find an outfit,"she said looking through my stuff and the stuff she brought. We basically share a wardrobe. "I wanna wear something that matches my hair," she said touching her hair for a sec. Tracy had black hair that reaches to her chest and had dark blue eyes.

"Hmm I know what you can wear,"I said and pulled out lights green shirt. It's sleeves are only for your shoulders and it was tight. Tracy looks at it and nods.

"Yea this could work," she says and throws it on in front of me. She then pulls out her black flared jeans and her gold earing hoops.

"Yup. That's what you're wearing," I tell her as I observe my beautiful best friend. We then go to the restroom and do our hair and stuff. I walk out my room and see clothes everywhere. 'I'll just clean that later' I tell myself as sweat drop and grab my backpack and shoes.

"Y/n we are taking my car! I'll meet you there!" Tracy says as she walks outside. I walk into Julian's room and shake him.

"Wake up you got school," I tell him and he woke wake up. I grab a pillow and smack him real hard which makes his eyes widen and he sits up fast.

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