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Looking for a Miracle


The pace set by the butler was brisk. My parents were able to keep up without any problem, but for me it was a different story. I was borderline running, and even then it was a struggle to keep up.

I wished the butler would slow down. I was eleven - twelve in a few months - and rather small for my age. My little legs were working hard just to remain by my mother's side. Also, I wanted the time to take in everything in the corridors we were being led through. I had never seen anything like this place before; it was huge, and beautifully decorated. I wanted time to take in all the paintings, photographs, ornaments, and even the simple yet elegant designs of the door handles.

But, we were going to fast, and my father was speaking to me.

"Now remember, Akane, be polite," my father stressed in a low voice as we walked. Father was the owner of a reasonably successful business company. I had heard him make these lectures multiple times, but still listened as though it was my first time hearing it. It wasn't a good idea to ignore him. "Use your manners. Don't speak unless spoken to... in fact, try and speak as little as possible." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Got that?"

I nodded once. "Yes, Father."

He looked satisfied with my answer. He gave my shoulder a squeeze and then faced forward again. His dark eyes, so similar to my own, stared resolutely forward, and he held his head high. To anyone, he looked confident and important, a look only emphasised by the expensive suit he was wearing.

But I knew my father was nervous. I could see it in his brow, which was more furrowed than usual. His lips were pressed into a thin line. I'd spent a lot of time around my parents, and had come to learn little giveaway signs like those.

We came to a halt before a door - no doubt this would be where my parents would conduct their business operations. The butler ordered us to wait before heading inside.

My hands fidgeted in front of me. Father had upheaved our family and moved us all the way out to Tokyo because he'd received a good business deal with this man. I had no idea what he was like, or if the move had been worth it in the first place.

Two hands covering my own shaking ones brought me back to the present. I looked up to see my mother, who stooped slightly to speak to me. A few of her rich chocolate locks brushed my neck as she whispered, "Calm down, honey. Remember, you need to make a good first impression. Breathe in deep breaths."

"Yes, Mother." I inhaled a large lungful of air.

Mum stood up and quickly assessed me. "Pull your skirt down a little, and straighten your blouse." I made the adjustments as she instructed. She smiled. "Good girl."

She straightened up. Just as she did so, the door opened, and a man stepped into view.

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