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Thirty Minutes LaterPeter's POV

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Thirty Minutes Later
Peter's POV

The young adult man rode carefully around the city on his motorbike, his red helmet secured on his head that way, if he did get into an accident – which was highly unlikely – he would hurt his head too badly despite his super-durability. Regardless, he chose to always be cautious in case a pedestrian walked through one of the crosswalks when the stoplight directly above them was green.

As they tend to do, he thought to himself, even chuckling a bit.

Peter Parker made sure there weren't any crazy psychos planning to speed through the red light before turning left and casually going just over the speed limit but not too much as to scare himself or anyone else. He suppressed a yawn despite being absolutely exhausted from the past few days, mostly due to the fact that balancing two jobs – pizza delivery boy for Joe's Pizza and freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle – as well as his antics as being the masked vigilante hero that saved countless citizens everyday... well, it was really beginning to take a toll on Peter's mental state.

He knew he needed a break, he was well aware of that, but he knew it could just never happen. His selflessness always got the better of him and he put that over his selfishness despite needing just one minute of sleep, at least. He couldn't catch a break lately, which was something he completely despised... but he wasn't able to fix that lingering problem.

Peter's mind drifted to what he was predicting would happen when he got to the Bugle: he was expecting Jameson to harass him over not having pictures of Spider-Man and, to be honest, he was getting pretty fed up with having to take said photos so he could have his own name slandered in the papers, although Jameson was unaware of this.

There had already been a dozen occurrences where Jameson would threaten to fire him from the freelance, but it had never been treated too seriously as he always begged Peter to come back seconds later and hired him back.

But then he thought of something else, and he even smiled a little at the idea. What if Christina happened to be in the building when he got there? Every time he had been in the last two months, he would either just miss her leaving or she just wouldn't be there at all. He hadn't seen her since June since their schedules had gone absolutely haywire, what with Christina busy raising Sidney, going to classes, and handling her job at the Bugle and all.

God, Peter really wished he had her patience sometimes...

If she did happen to be there, however, he would be immensely happy. Over the year and a half since... that happened, Peter had noticed Christina significantly improving from the miserable grieving state she had been in since the incident. He would have liked to see how she was doing now in the time that had passed since they had last seen one another.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐔𝐒 (peter parker) OG TRILOGYWhere stories live. Discover now