chapter thirty eight

Start from the beginning

i looked up at him and slightly smiled back, looking back down to my hands and sighing. "great, can't wait. i'm prepared." i stood up out of the chair and walked out. walking back towards my room and opened the door, shutting it behind me and laying down onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling. i sighed and stared at the ceiling fan, watching it slowly spin. the door slowly opened, revealing könig ducking his head under the door frame.

"love!" he smiled, rushing over to the bed and getting on the bed, crawling on top of me and hovering over me. he smiled and kissed me a few times on the lips. "i've missed you schatz (sweetheart)."

"you seen me earlier silly." i cupped both of his cheeks with my hands, slowly rubbing my thumb against his scar and pulling him closer to me and kissing him on the lips.

"i miss you every second your not near me love. how was your day?" he gazed into my eyes. his eyes seemed grayer than usual. like dark angered clouds, swirling in the sky.

"it was a day, but better now that i'm with you." i smiled, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck and pulling him down. his head rested on my chest. he shifted, making himself comfortable and huffed. "tired aren't you?" i ran my fingers through his hair, slowly massaging his scalp.

"just a little, are you hungry?" his hand moved down to my thigh, slowly rubbing it. i felt myself feeling excited the more he touched my thigh, craving him to touch me a little higher up.

"just a little, did you cook?" i looked down to him, running my fingers through his soft blonde hair.

"of course!" he gently rubbing my thigh, moving closer to my slit. "getting excited?" he looked up at me and smiled.

i giggled and rolled my eyes. "no, i have no clue what your taking about." i teased, biting my lip and tilting my head back as he would get closer and closer to my slit.

"don't lie my love." he moved his hand and sat up on the bed, looking over to me and smiling. "look at the mess you made schatz (sweetheart). naughty aren't you." he teased, tapping my leg before getting up.

"you just love to tease don't you?" i giggled, sitting up and watching him stretch.

he groaned and chuckled, looking over to me. "du würdest es nicht verkraften, wenn ich es täte. (you wouldn't be able to take it, if i did)." he walked over to the door and opened it, pausing before walking out. "come eat with me love." he walked out the door and left the it open.

i got up and looked over to my dresser. i walked over to it and set down my knife from my holster before walking out the door and making my way down to the kitchen.

"there you are (y/n)!" soap exclaimed, watching me walk into the kitchen.

everyone was seated except könig who was cooking on the stove.

"hi." i awkwardly smiled at everyone, taking a seat next to soap.

"you've met alejandro right?" gaz questioned, looking over at me.

"yep." i awkwardly smiled again, hoping to avoid eye contact with him.

he held his hand out to shake mine and gave me a friendly smile. i kept my awkward smile on and shook his hand, pulling my hand back down under the table and wiping it off.

"nice to meet you (y/n)." he smiled, nodding his head.

"you too!" i looked away from him and leaned towards soap. "why is this man talking to me." i whispered

"behave." soap whispered back, side eyeing me and lifting a brow.

"please don't do that." i sighed, putting my hands over my face and looked back up at könig cooking.

ghost walked into the kitchen and took a seat, scrolling through his phone.

"hello there sleepy head." soap teased, looking over at ghost.

"shut up." he snapped, continuing to scroll on his phone.

i sighed and looked down at my hands. i felt a hand touch my shoulder and i looked up to see price. he gave me a smile and pat my shoulder. "so you've met my good friend alejandro?"

"yep." my awkward smile arose again.

"good." he pat my shoulder a little rougher before letting go, chuckling. "shoulder feeling better?"

"definitely feels worse after you've just beaten it." i huffed.

he slightly giggled, walking over to the stove and watching könig cook. "looks great." he rested his hands on his hips, every average dad pose i thought to myself, giggling slightly.

"what's funny?" soap looked over to me, smiling.

"prices das pose." i smirked, pointing at his hands that are on his hips.

soap began giggling before busting out laughing. "oh- that's hilarious!" he cackled.

"shut up." i punched him in his thigh. price turned around and eyed soap.

"geez." soap rolled his eyes at price and giggled at me, rubbing his thigh from the punch. "you pack a punch woman." he nudged my roughly and giggled.

"enough!" ghost snapped, making the kitchen go silent. all you heard was the scraping and sizzling of the pan while könig was cooking.

gaz looked at price and tried to hold back a smile.

"don't you dare." i mouthed at gaz, rolling my eyes and face palming.

"foods done, steak and rice." könig brought over the pot and placed it on a mat on the island. he brought over a plate of steaks that were stacked up on top of eachother, setting it down next to the pot.

price brought over plates and utensils and set them down. he sat down at the table and set a plate infront of him.

könig sat across from me, placing a plate infront of me and handing me a fork, he plopped a piece of steak on my plate and a few scoops of rice.

"thank you!" i smiled, looking up at könig. he smiled and nodded, looking down at his plate and scooping rice onto it.

everyone did so as well and dug in. price poured gin into a glass and poured it into a glass. ghost took the bottle of gin and poured it into his glass cup, getting up and grabbing his plate and walking out of the kitchen.

"he doesn't eat with you all?" alejandro watched ghost leave, looking back at price. price shook his head and continued eating his steak.

"we don't bother, he doesn't like lifting the mask." price replied, looking over at alejandro and taking a sip of gin.

alejandro looked back down at his food and took a bite.

"well then, i'm finished. i'll see you all tomorrow outside bright and early, won't i?" price stood up from his chair, wiping his mouth with a napkin and setting it on the table.

everyone replied with a yes and smiled, raising their glass.

"great! i'll be waiting for you all out there soldiers."


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