48 | Assistants

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The man that sides across from me and Kayla shoots both of us a fake smile. This is the eighth person that I have interviewed for another assistant.

My initial question that led to the fake smile was 'Have you got a criminal record?'.

I prefer to be straightforward. The guy answered no. But my laptop in front of me says something very different.

In the space of 4 years, this man has been charged with both assault and statutory rape. I watch Kayla from the corner of my eye and look over at my screen. I hear her sharp intake of breath as she looks back at the man.

"Sir? Why do you think you would be a good fit as Mr De Luca's second assistant?"

The man waits for a second, making a show out of looking like he's thinking.

"Well, I'm a hard worker. And before you know it, I will be his first assistant. Not second." He flashes a cocky smirk at the woman beside me, who doesn't even bat an eye.

"We'll be in touch," Kayla says cooly before looking down at her notes and dismissing him. The man looks at me with a credulous look, for which I just raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to leave.

After he packs his shit up and leaves, the door clicks shut behind him. Shame it didn't hit him on the way out. All of the people we have interviewed today were either exactly like Brittany or had a severe criminal record. Three of which I need to deal with later.

"The last application is Adam Sawyer. Was a business administrator at Reese Corporate for 5 years and has a business degree from Stanford. Speaks three languages, excluding English. Spanish, Italian and French." Kayla recites off the sheet in front of her.

I quickly type in his name, searching for any form of a criminal record that may show. But nothing shows. Odd.

"Bring him in," I mumble under my breath. Kaya stands silently and calls him in from the waiting room. A scrawny man walks in with massive blue eyes. His dark blonde hair sits neatly on the top of his head. His suit looks freshly pressed and his shoes freshly polished.

"Hi, I'm Adam Sawyer." He says nervously. I stare him down and watch as he visibly gulps. "Sorry. I'm a little bit nervous."

His body language. The way he speaks. He bats for the other team. The first promising thing about him.

"It's understandable to be nervous the first time meeting Mr De Luca. But over time, if you get the job, you will learn to deal with not only Mr De Luca but his customers."

"And Dom," I add.

Kayla shifts in her seat and sighs quietly. "And Dom."

"Dom?" Adam questions, still standing with a dark leather book bag in his hand.

Miss Marino - 1     (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora