39 | Freak Out

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After I hang up with Enzo, I quickly pocket my phone and move over to the door. I don't worry about who might be behind the door. The visitor has a gate to get through, and heavily armed security.

Unlocking the door I twist the handle and pull the heavy door open. I gasp out in surprise when I see Gio standing there. My hand goes to my stomach to rest there out of reflex. His gaze follows my movement as he steps into the foyer.

"I'm here to see Enzo." He looks around the house. His eyes keep looking down at my hand that I still don't remove.

"He's not here. He's still in Russia. I thought you would have known." I say quietly, still confused about why he's shown up now after all this time.

"Right, they must have extended the duration of the trip." He nods slightly, thinking to himself. He looks a bit different. His usual well-kept, light brown hair is now longer and his beard has grown out slightly. His suit is a mess, with his tie undone around his neck, the top two buttons undone and his shirt half tucked into his dress pants.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. I don't know why I'm apologising but it seems right for some reason.

"I guess I can talk to you then." He walks towards the living room and gestures for me to sit. While this is Enzo's house, Gio has lived here longer than I have, so I take a seat without arguing.

He pours a drink from the crystal decanter on the small drinks trolley and turns to me holding the decanter up in the air. "Would you like a drink?"

Shaking my head I politely decline. His eyes narrow in on my stomach again before taking a seat on the other end of the long couch I'm seated on. He shifts uncomfortably a few times before sitting still. He takes a drink from the glass in his hand and looks at me.

"I guess I should start by saying sorry." He nods looking at the carpet absentmindedly. "I'm sorry Aria. You didn't deserve to be spoken to or about that way and I'm sorry I even thought it." He looks up at me with red eyes. He's not crying but I think it's from the alcohol or whatever he's been smoking.

"It's okay. I understand where you were coming from. I also understand why you might have been sceptical about having 5 out of 6 Marino's in your house all of a sudden."

A quiet silence falls over us. Gio continues to sip on his drink as he thinks. Eventually, he turns to me and opens his mouth to say something. Then he closes it and opens it again.

"Yes?" I chuckle lightly as he closes his mouth once again.

"Are you pregnant?" He whispers, resting his arm along the back of the couch.

Gulping down nothing I nod slightly. He's quiet for a moment before speaking again.

"Congratulations. Does he know?" He asks, finishing off the drink.

Miss Marino - 1     (Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin