44 | Bouquets and Garters

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Aria gives me a confused look and I just smile at her, and when I'm too busy staring at my beautiful wife when a voice breaks my trance.

"You both might want to follow me." Kayla gives us a sorry look, but her frantic look puts me into gear.

She leads us back towards the dining area. I spot the back of Dom's head and his still shoulders. The guy doesn't even look like he's breathing.

As Aria and I walk around to stand in front of him, my suspicions of him not breathing are confirmed. Ilya is curled up on his lap, sleeping soundly, whereas Dom has a more than pissed-off expression on his face.

"Why did he have to sit on my lap?" He grumbles, picking up his glass and taking a drink of his scotch.

"Because you were both too busy talking about trucks." Kayla teases before looking up at me and Aria. She manages to miss the deadly look Dom shoots her.

"I'm guessing you wanted us to decide what to do with him?" I guess, already bending down to carefully scoop the boy into my arms. He stirs slightly before settling back into a peaceful sleep.

Dom and Kayla nod in unison.

Both me and Aria excuse ourselves. We make our way to the second floor, Ilya is still sound asleep in my arms. His soft snores are the only sound in the empty hallway besides the soft click of Aria's heels.

"Let's put him in the room next to ours," I whisper. Aria looks up at me with a confused look.

"Are you sure?"

I furrow my brows. "What if he wakes up? He has no idea where he is."

"How about two rooms down from us?" She gives me a hinting look. Then it finally clicks.

"Cause we might wake him up."

She smiles and nods in agreement. I walk down to the next room and quietly open the door. Aria move to the spilt system aircon, switching the settings to heater and turning it down so Ilya won't get too hot during the night.

She then helps me pull the sheets down. I place the boy down onto the cotton sheets carefully. Aria removes his shoes and socks and shrugs him out of his jacket. His little suit won't be the most comfortable thing to sleep in but it's the best we can do.

I turn the bedside lamp on and dim it down.

Both me and Aria sneak out and quietly close the door behind us.

We take the trip back down the stairs and out the backdown, entering the buzz of the party. More people are getting more relaxed the more they drink. The more elderly guests have also retired for the night.

It doesn't take long before Ma and Aldina are pulling me and Aria through the crowd and to the empty dance floor. Ma shoves a bouquet of white roses into Aria's hands, announcing that they are about to throw the bouquet. Aldina whisks me off to the side next to my brothers.

A crowd of women huddle behind Aria, squealing in excitement and shoving to get into a desirable position. My brothers and I exchange equally as confused looks as we watch the women fond over the tradition.

Aria holds the bouquet in front of her, getting ready to toss it behind her. She swings her arm up and behind her, the bouquet leaving her hands and flying into the crowd behind her.

The women squeal as they try to catch it, their arms raised above their heads. The bouquet reaches the back of the crowd. The women groan when they're not the ones to catch it.

Aria turns to the crowd to see caught the bouquet. The crowd parts to reveal Alessia with a bright red face and a bouquet of white in her hands. I turn to Ric and give him an evil smile. His eyes are wide and a nervous look takes over his face. Alessia gives him a quick glance before moving to hide in the crowd.

Clearing his throat, Ric scratches the back of his hand. "Isn't it your turn now?"

When he looks at my confused face he points back to where the dance floor is. One of my cousins is placing a chair in the centre of the floor.

This is why all the kids were asked to leave. I was told about the bouquet toss, but not this. Ric nudges me out onto the dance floor. My cousin, Angeline, has already pushed Aria into the chair.

Her cheeks are tinted with an embarrassed blush as I slowly walk towards her. If I had known my wife was wearing a fucking garter when we were alone in her sister's room, this whole fucking wedding would have been waiting for us.

I reach Aria and slowly kneel down in front of her. She blushes even more and lets out a nervous laugh. I wrap both of my hands around each of her ankles and spread them apart, making room for me.

I hold eye contact with Aria as my hands slowly travel up her calves. She shivers slightly at the action making me smirk in victory.

Lifting the hem of her dress just enough so I can duck underneath the silky fabric. Her legs spread wider to accommodate my wide shoulders. I place a rough kiss on the inside of her left knee. Just as I do, I hear her let out a throaty laugh.

I feel my dress slacks get tighter the more she laughs. Ignoring my impending hard-on, I move my lips further up her leg. I reach the lace garter. I bite down on the lace and pull back, letting it go, it snaps against her soft skin, making her jump in surprise. I hear her laugh even more.

I place another kiss on her thigh, before reaching up with my hands and pulling the garter down her thigh. I get it down around her ankle before pulling my head out from under her dress. I pull the garter off fully and rise to my full height. With the garter in one hand, I bend down and scoop Aria out of the seat with my other.

She wraps her arms around my neck as I turn to the crowd of men who have already gathered. I turn my back to them and do a few practice swings, not actually letting go of the piece of fabric.

Just as I go to throw it, I stop. Turning back to the men I shrug. "Sorry guys but my wife was wearing it. I'm not about to give it to one of you bastardi arrapati to jerk off to when you get home." I joke, but knowing my cousins, the few of my uncles who are still single and the other male guests, I don't trust them with this thing. (Horny bastards.)

Handing it to Aria, I hold out my wrist. Getting the hint, she ties the lace twice around my wrist.

I wrap the hand around her waist and hoist her higher so she's level with my face. I kiss her hard. We break away for air and stare at each other. I always seem to get lost in her emerald-green eyes.

"I love you, Sweet Cheeks."

Man, am I the happiest man alive.


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