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It's been about three months since I formally proposed to Aria and too long since I've been inside her. Even if it was only six hours ago. Aria made me sit down with her and tell her about all my plans. Although she did coerce me into telling her with her tongue.

Said plan involves my men infiltrating all of Alberto Marino's warehouses all over the world. I already have over one hundred men stationed in all the warehouses I'm aware of, delivering daily reports straight to me.

I'm currently getting ready to go over to Russia and destroy one of the warehouses and shut down a few private houses that are known to have kids tucked away in them. I got news about two days ago that a huge trade was going to take place this weekend. And I need to intercept the whole thing before innocent children get sold for sex or killed.

I also have tagged a few other places around the area, which I'll deal with after I've fixed the former issues.

It's only 6 am and Aria is still sleeping soundly in the other room. I hate the fact that I have to leave her. We've decided that in four weeks we're going to get married. It seems a bit fast but it was entirely Aria's idea. Daniella brought a shit tonne of wedding magazines and my Sweet Cheeks got a bit excited.

The women in the house have created so many board thingies, that have taken over the living room. Each one is designated for something different. One has table arrangements, and another has table setting arrangements. I was told very quickly that those two things are entirely different. Others have decorations and flower arrangements, as well as hair, make-up and bridesmaids' dresses.

Honestly, I got kicked out of my own living room before I could even put input on what kind of white the ribbon should be on the chairs.

I look back down at my suitcase, mentally checking to make sure I have enough guns and bullets.

Last night I put the rehabilitation facility into full swing. It's fully equipped with nurses, doctors and psychologists that are prepared for the wave of children and teenagers that are about to come in. God knows what these kids have been through. They're most likely traumatised out of their minds.

My one internal fear is that once we storm the warehouse, the children will be so scared that they won't come with us willingly.

I close the suitcase and zip it up. I tuck a gun into the back of my pants and then throw my thick charcoal grey wool coat over the top of my dress shirt. I grab the present I got for Aria on the ottoman, where she can see it. Hopefully, it will keep her busy while I'm away.

Taking my suitcase, I step out of the closet and sigh when I look at Aria's peaceful body. She should never have to worry about the things I do to keep her safe. I place the suitcase near the door and walk over to my sleeping fiance.

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