Broken Ground (Chapter 61)

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Kawakami: I can't feel.. much.. I am pretty numb..

You: They do have you hooked on a lot of meds.. Just let them work and get some rest..

Kawakami: It still hurts.. I can still feel my body burning..

You: I know..

Kawakami:'re not that good at bed side manners are you..?

You: I have never been in this position before.. Sorry if I seem like a lame guy..

Kawakami: I think.. You look fine.. Just keep on studying..

You: But.. I want you to help me..

Kawakami: I will.. Just.. give me a little bit of time...

It is at this point that you notice that her low vitals started to slowly drop lower.. A sudden broken feeling shatters your chest. Finding it hard to breathe or come up with words as you notice the sudden change..

You: K..Kawakami..?!

Kawakami:..C..Can I ask you something..

You: W..what?

Kawakami:...Can you say my name.. Just this once... I wanna hear you say it..


Kawakami: I wanna hear it...Not from just a student..but from someone I respect and admire...

You: Sadayo..

Kawakami: You could do better..than that..

You: Sadayo. Sadayo Kawakami..

Kawakami: That's..more like it...

You: Sadayo..!

You jump from your seat to lean above her. Tears falling down your eyes as the machines start to beep as her vitals drop.. You are about to call for help but are stopped as Kawakami intertwines her fingers with yours as she slowly closes her eyes and her breath slowly starts to release from her body. You are caught off by this and you do a voiceless scream as you hear the sound of a monotone beep that plays long... Knowing what this meant.. You break down right there... A sudden wave of pain washes through your chest, you feel violent, constant beats within your chest rise. You continuously feel banging drums within your chest as you feel your emotions are displayed...

You: N..No.. I won't.. I can't accept it.. Don't go.... DON'T GO...!

Tears wash down your entire face and you grip the bed tightly, a sudden surge of a mystical feeling burns deep inside your chest. Gritting your teeth so hard that blood starts to drip, you feel the air around you start to suddenly change, and you are at the center of it... Feeling an overwhelming duty to do something.. You feel the power deep within your heart start to crack...

You: I WON'T LET YOU DIE...!!!

Your hair raises up with the sudden proclamation, a force stirs around you. Almost like timing is slowing down to a crawl, the room shifts in color as a dark purple red hue tints the world.. As the tears fall down your cheeks, your eyes shine with the golden sheen, but the golden sheen houses in the center a silver white aura.. It expands from you and the power within you spreads outwards the room starts to shake. Your attention focused on Kawakami, you feel the energy around you shift and is pulled to your will... You then hear in the distant background a familiar voice...

Igor: Has the fates of the broken, cascading the will and savant of the lamb.. The power of the world ever changing.. The power that was never gone.. The power that is the very existence..

The words ring within your skull.. However they slowly drown out as you close your yes and open them to realign your focus..

You: I will not let you die...!

Like a sudden surge of electrical current shoots through your body and into Kawakami, you direct the power that surged within you to travel through Kawakami.. Feeling the presence of creative light flowing through her. You watch as you oppose your will within the Cognitive Space to feel the shift of the Cognitive Memory that was placed... Time begins to speed back to normal and you feel yourself set back at a distance... Then you see as your vision grows dark.. The slight image of Kawakami breathing once again...

You: It.. Worked...

Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you begin to fall back from the ordeal... But the moment you hit the floor, you feel your body pass through a sudden barrier and feel yourself fall within the dark space.. You try to reach out but soon you find yourself in the endless abyss once more...

You: What is this.. Can't think straight...

You feel as if the ocean washes over you as you slip back down further.. Wondering if the space is familiar, you try to activate Shadow Sense but are unable to. You try to open your eyes but find it impossible to do so...

You: Is this..this......-

Then suddenly the abyss seems to shift and distort around you as the water feeling of floating begins to end and you are able to open your eyes once more. You jump up to your feet and are suddenly back in bed at your home...

You: I.. I am.. back at home...?

You check the time on the clock and it is just an hour before school...

You: I went to Kawakami..and after that I am here again.. But.. why am I back here..?

Feeling a weird sense of direction you try to adjust and get on your stuff to head out. You are mentally exhausted and drained from the events.. Yawning you proceed towards the school....

Thank you guys for reading this Chapter! I hope you all Enjoyed it!! I went a little dark there but the tone shift is a significant discourse that will play in the future of this series... So I hope you look forward for the rest of it as I get the chance to write it out!!

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